Gimmick deck casualty

The parrot nerf was for the most part fine but it killed an innocent deck that also relied on another 5 cost card. Any chance the spell deck of wonders could go to 6 as this was a unintended deck theme casualty. This card is pure rng fun but the parrot can no longer recast it so id love if it can go to 6 so the silly deck can be made again

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I’m not sure if making deck more expensive is the right fix.

Try augmented elekk for double the scrolls.

That was part of the deck already. It was a that and the parrot with support cards to multiply them

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This sounds like it would have been fun. I feel your pain. I had a gimmick mage deck with Gnolls and Conjurer’s Calling that doesnt work any more in wild because of the Gnoll nerf

Did nothing to fix the rune of the Arch Mage Deck problem.

Can still play this stupid freaking bird combo’d with bran the turn following Rune of the Arch Mage for 90 Mana worth of spells in two turns.

Thanks for fixing NOTHING Blizzard.

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that isnt a problem nor the intent of the nerf

clearly it is, otherwise people wouldn’t be posting about it. Try settng empathy for anyone other than your corporate overlords to “1.”

set reading comprehension to “1” as op acknowledged the possibility of it being unintended already:

Boreas was responding to MyDude, not the OP. I misread it the same way at first

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