GG Blizzard has a broken game

So yesterday some of my wild decks were short a card or two. I still have the cards it’s saying I need to replace. I’d replace them with the exact card it says needs to be replaced. Log out and log back in to see that the problem is coming up again. Figured patch errors.

Tonight same problem and when I fixed my priest wild deck and then went to play a match it said I couldn’t connect to the match, but nothing about because of my deck, but try as I might I cannot use that deck. I can play my perfectly okay decks.

JHChrist Blizzard would it kill you to fix your broken game?

this was happening with one of my non golden buccaneer cards in a rogue deck and i made it golden and it stopped happening. maybe blizzard just wanted to rob me of some dust idk lol hopefully they fix these bugs.

e your deck had core cards you have to replace with the ones you own

and about this

just copy paste the deck(copy the deck and make anew one with the deck code )

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