Getting aggroed down before turn 5

How is this not a bad design? It’s completely RNG and I only seem to run into it when I’m close to ranking up or I’m on a win streak.

Genuinely, how does anyone have fun slamming face hoping the other player doesn’t have the board clear. Their only win condition is praying for a bad hand draw which takes no skill on their part.

It’s not that they’re having fun (although some of them probably are), it’s that they’re speedrunning winning. Some people just want legend delivered within 30 minutes or less and don’t care about the journey.

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Legend only means you have better RNG than someone else anyways. It’s a completely useless badge considering the game isn’t designed around actual skill.

Edit: Yup, I go on another win streak and face people with perfect curves and the best discovery to save them for any scenario. These people are busting out legend-tier RNG at lower ranks like no tomorrow. I’ve seen enough streams to know this isn’t the norm for everyone.

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Your logic is fairly off

What RNG? Draw? If so, Aggro decks, which is what you’re referencing, generally have nothing but “top decks” as they aren’t playing expensive cards because they are A) going Face as often as possible and B) trying to kill you before you can take care of their board.

“I hate aggro” is all you had to say

Think it’s time to take a break

“Any sufficiently optimized deck is substantially indistinguishable from rng” - bad hearthstone players, probably

Not everyone plays decks that include board clears… and these decks contest the board and don’t die on turn five.

It’s amazing how you expect to just roll through the ranks despite lacking competence and understanding. It’s almost like you’ve played low skill AI your whole life and are shocked that human opponents are better than you.

I’m sorry to break it to you but this game has cards that clear an entire board with 5 mana and zero thought process involved. Please stop acting like it takes immeasurable skill and knowledge to reach legend LOL

I’ve seen streamers make the most basic math mistakes at the top 20 legend. It’s time to stop.

I also don’t mind a learning process and losing but RNG plays a larger factor in most matchups than game knowledge. Everyone with any understanding knows you need that RNG to win.

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This is about the only accurate thing you’ve said in your time here.

You should legit stop.

Says the guy in with over 1k posts.

You might need to re-evaluate your comments and give them actual thought. If you truly believe RNG doesn’t play a large factor in this game you’re beyond reasoning.

It might be time for you to take a break from the game and the forums. Unless you’re a dev or being paid to be wrong on the forums of course. Keep being that professional wrong person if that’s what makes you happy.

Nobody’s being paid to post on the forums, the devs unironically don’t even remember the forums exist in fact. Iksar straight up said in one of his AMAs that he wishes hearthstone had some sort of forum.