Get rid of OTKs, Get rid of OTKs, Get rid of OTKs

The developers of Heartstone say they want to give a sense of agency to both players. How can there be a sense of agency, when the Mage can repeatedly cast Time Warp, play 20 cards, take 20 turns, take 20 minutes and the other player is sitting there patiently waiting for a turn that will probably never come. IT’S STUPIDITY! WHY PLAY A GAME WHERE YOU DONT GET A TURN!


Wild is a joke, mainly existing to sell cards to completionists. They can barely balance Standard as it is; and Wild has exponentially higher complexity; if you want balance or at least something closer to balance play Standard.

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but you did get you turns if you didnt play any is because you were afk

This is 100% on you. The concede button exists. Should have been 20 seconds but you were too stubborn

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Wild is not for the faint of heart, it’s for veterans :muscle::relieved:

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The standard is a big open dump, this game has a foul smell.

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Ice Block and Evasion are a hard counter to the vast majority of OTKs. Mill decks are a counter to every OTK. Granted, some Mill decks are also OTK decks.

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If it’s for veterans, it’s in the sense “a veteran can play the most OP decks for sure”.

Yeah sure: the problem is nobody is balancing that nonsense.

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Standard is for humans, Wild is for Sayans :grin:

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If the mage managed to do the quest, he can quit the game!!

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I will concede one should expect crazy things when jumping into Wild, but this statement you’ve made has to go into the pot of some of the dumbest responses you’ve ever had

I would say a high majority of players, even those who don’t play Wild, will agree Open the Waygate is an unhealthy card for the format

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he had at least 9 turns before the combo

well he did say he didnt get “a turn” which is impossible unless you have an unplayable deck