Gameplay - Core (Gryphon) achievement: 'Lootbox!'

I can’t achieve the Lootbox! achievement.
I use warrior class card ‘War Cache’ and then use of all cards I obtained after using it, but afer game end, a counter of achievement didn’t increase. What I am doing wrong?

Are you playing in ranked/arena/duels ?
These are the only modes where you can complete achievments.

I play ranked match in wild mode

I have same problem.

I tried and have the same issue. Is it from the card “War Cache” or is there an item that drops called a loot box to open?

Yeah, I agree I can’t get this achievement to register either. Seems bugged.

As my knowledge, if remmembering correctly, card got redesign and changed, resulting beeing different card,thats why it is not counted. Old card was from gryphon year, but it got changed in legacy set, as a result, to complete achievment, you need card with gryphon year.

Bump, tried to get this achievement with no success. Added the card from the “Legacy” filter and did not work. Also I checked all other expansions and unable to find.

Same. This remains bugged.

bump, any ETA on this fix?

Bump. Myself as well. I have played the card and all its 3 random drops and still show 0/5 for progress as of todays attempt. :frowning:(

2025 still haven’t fixed