I’ve been trying to catch up on Gameplay achivements recently and found that some of them are not progressing. Below are the one’s I found this week (play on wild ranked Silver):
Gameplay - Core (Wolf)
- DIE, DIE, DIE!: Destroy 300 minions with Defile.
Gameplay - Core (Gryphon)
- JARAXXUS FACE YOU!!!: Attack and kill 10/25 characters as Lord Jaraxxus.
- In and Outcast: Play Kor’vas Bloodthorn 3/5 times in a single game.
- I’ll Be Taking That One!: Destroy your opponent with a card copied by Vanessa VanCleef.
- HELLOOOOOOO!: Die to an Annoy-o-tron.
However it’s not all Gameplay Core achievements are not progressing. E.g. I was able to make progress on the following ones:
Gameplay - Core (Gryphon)
- Twilight of the Aspects: Play 100 legendary Dragons from the Year of Gryphon.
- You Can Run, But You Can’t Thak: buff 100 minions with Overlord Runthak.
- It’ll Be Done in No Time!
- Win 50/150/500 games with Nozdormu the Eternal in your starting deck.
I have the same issues. In addition to the achievements that LunaticMoon noted, I also have an issue with the “Sunny Side Uh Oh” achievement to “Hatch 5/25/75 Nerubians from Eggs”.
There are multiple bug reports for the Gryphon achievements:
Probably other reports as well, these are just the ones I have run into so far.
Core (Hydra)
All You can Eat
Friendly Fire
Core (Wolf)
Birds of a Feather
Grimestreet Drip
These achievements also not working
Same here. The following achievements in Gameplay / Lich King / Death Knight are not working :
The Limit Does Not Exist
Parting Gifts
Oddly the achievements in Gameplay / Lich King / Neutral seem to be working fine.
Any idea if progress is lost or if we’ll get them automatically when it’s gonna be resolved?
same here.
i used to think that the problem is linked to the core set or to uncraftable cards, because the jeweled macaw achievement only works with the un’goro version of the card, not with the core version.
apparently this was not the real cause of the problem, because kor’vas bloodthorn is craftable and does not work either.
(i know it for sure, because i crafted her just for the achievement
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