Game won't load

I reviewed some previous posts, one suggest Bnet needed an restart/update, so I did that… problem persists.

When I launch HS, it loads the first screen (two tavern doors) … and the background light flickers, but nothing happens. The mouse changes from a pointer to the “Blizzard-hand”, but nothing happens. I can move the mouse, clicking animates the hand… but nothing happens.

I’m trying “scan and repair” from Bnet menu, and it’s stuck at 37%. It’s been at 37% for an hour.

Do I just uninstall and reinstall? As I typed, the sidebar-suggestions had another thread and many similar complaints are coming from phone/tablet users. This is on my PC.

Try deleting the cache files of BattleNet. Just follow the instructions in the link:

Be sure to delete these 3 folders

  • Battle.net_components
  • Blizzard Entertainment

If this doesn’t help reinstall Hearthstone and BattleNet.

I deleted the Bnet components … twice. Didn’t work.

So did “uninstall” from Bnet, and then reinstalled.

It was on the tavern doors for what felt too long, and I was about to give up… when the main HS logo zoomed in and … everything is working now!

Thank you for your help!! :slight_smile:

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