Game too mature, new players can't compete IMO

at least, not without a ton of frustration.

first, i don’t know players with these uber decks are bottom-feeding in the mid silver range. is hearhstones mmr as bad as in wow pvp?

the obvious cards like reno clearing my board, is rough but these OP quests out there are insane.
enter the obelisk quest sure isn’t hard for a priest needing to heal only 15 health to activate it. and then 2 different raza cards that give it 0 mana cost and endless refresh that buffs his whole board very high and quickly.

then there was the mage with open the waygate and w/e else he did to make it repeat at least 4 times.

i don’t even know how a shaman buffed a minion to 81 attack AND gave the player 81 armor. i got rid if that minion but with that armor it didn’t really matter.

many other crazy examples in the month i have been playing.

the bottom line is i would have to DE most of my cards to get the many thousands of dust to try making these quests and a card like reno.

reno could have saved me from the full board of 8/12 minions that mostly appeared and got buffed in 1 round lol.

Or spend idk how much, to buy decks and hope for rng spawns. i have bought more decks that i should have already, but i have to stop.

I don’t currently have the cards to make any of the decks i see listed that are 50% or better win rate.

i know there is a ton i need to learn, but i don’t see how skill alone would get me over the hurdle of these cards and decks i see.

I hate to think i have made a mistake to start, but i may have.