Game stats and logs

Is it really possible that game as big as HS is have no stats about games you played? Literally no stats, you cant even see what was your last game. And with that they are still producing unhealthy amount of bugs… I just do not get it.

Even this official forum is so limited. You would think they would have so much time to provide us with a stable product.

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Yes but, a) you can collect them all yourself with Firestone and see them (including replays) for free, b) it’s subjective in general because HS in general is a simplistic game in terms of “Quality of Life” features or “nooks and crannies” especially since it should also work on small phones so it’s part of its “philosophy” to not have many features of that sort.

Hm, i do not think “working on small phoes” are related to not having logs or stats? And how does simplistic game has so many bugs? What can go wrong if it is so simple it can not support stats?

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BGs has stats. But the regular mode… i suppose since it isnt the primary focus for a lot of folk compared to BGs, stats prolly isnt their highest priority to provide. also there are some stats available in the form of your progress on each class in terms of its level and number of wins, obtaining achievements is another metric one can use, as well as obtaining certain portraits and card backs is another metric to use in measuring each other in terms of stats.

if you want anything beyond all that the suggestion of the pc addons is your best bet.

BG has what stats again? Last 5 games and look of your end board? And you want to say that main focus of this game is now BG?

I was talking about starts for games (matches), sorry if i did not emphasize that. And you are telling me, for a game where i give my money, i need to buy additional stuff if i want to have some basic things they do not want to provide?