Game is full of bugs that are game breaking

Whirlpool left a rogues ghost on the board (one they get from that location). This has happened before with rogues and ghosts.)

Then I had a Rezz on my Bonecaller and guess what it didn’t rez him with 1 HP.

If you all can’t fix your game then how about just closing your doors.


Don’t play priest next time

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Dislike of a class doesn’t justify allowing majorly impactful bugs like this one. An active beehive has fewer bugs in it than hearthstone does.


Grow up child. Priest for the 1st time in a very long time have a deck (1) that is good and sits in the top 3… Learn to play it.

Priest player detected
Opinion rejected
Has been abusive for at least 8 years

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That is not even remotely accurate. In fact, priest has been one of the worst classes for a very long time before ever getting viable decks.

Everyone says that every time someone complains about priests
Just because priest wasn’t tier 1 between beta and pre Argent Tournament doesn’t mean it was one of the worst, not even then