Game Freezing, Can't Even Reconnect

Another thread of the annoyance I have with games randomly freezing, you catch it early in the freeze, exit client, and then when you try to reconnect the game is over and you lose. I don’t mean staying out of the game to the point where several turns go by and it counts as your opponent leaving, I mean immediately trying to reconnect and being met with the main menu.

Never used to have this issue and I feel like it’s happened way more than it should be recently. Just super frustrating and really ruins wanting to finish out a session of ranked by hopping on literally any other game that doesn’t give me free losses.


I believe there’s currently a bug where if you close the game by going down to the cog menu, then pressing quit from there, you’re not going to be able to reconnect to the game.

If you quit the game using alt + f4 or clicking the “X” in the corner of the window, you should be fine and be able to reconnect.