Game Continues to Crash

I have tried to post this in technical support but I get no response, so hopefully the community has some idea on how to fix this. Hearthstone keeps crashing on my iPad. I always make sure it’s updated, I even bought a new iPad with the big amount of storage thinking that was it but it still happens. Whenever I open my collection the game crashes, it will crash during ranked play, crashes when I’m trying to upgrade my mercenaries, crashes when I want to change my card back, and crashes when playing battlegrounds. The frequency of the crashes is random, and the game boots back up just fine after. I don’t have anything on in the background running. The weird thing is Hearthstone never crashes on my iPhone when I do the same things.

iPad 9th generation
iPad OS version 17.4.1
20.41 GB of free space

Update: I have uninstalled/reinstalled/ rebooted multiple times, still crashes

YOu should be posting this in the bug section of the forum. Every time I reach out to support for support, I call them the No Support blizzard staff, they always tell me to post it on the bug forum. They can’t seem to be able to answer anything or do anything except for “we are not trained in that” or “that’s not within our scope of duties”.

Even when they setup an actual call with me to try and resovle an issue, they called me to tell me they were not trained to help me with my issue and I was like “why bother setting up a time to tell me this” waste of my time.

Yea I’ve posted there, and opened a ticket. They said to contact Apple but Apple says contact the app owner.

Amazing… Blizzard support team is never helpful. I don’t even understand why they have a support team when all they do is say “sorry can’t help you” that or Point you to articles that they themselves back up.

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