Fwiw dear devs uninstall

after losing to a druid with 20 mana who discovered into discovered into discovered a win condition. and just now playing a paladin where I was winning the whole game until he played the marin card into draw 3 for zero ( not to mention the stupid stuff he was able to pull with the rogue “tourist” card), wiped my whole board with a zero cost reno hero card, I am done.

played since 2014. hit legend multiple times in standard and wild. used to spend hundreds of dollars a year on the game (although f2p for many years due to the ridiculous rngfest). actually hit legend in 3 of the last four months playing ridiculous aggro decks.

just. done.

i’ll stick to wow and chess. dot com.


Don’t retire mate, I was the paladin who played you the reno for zero xD
In fact I have that game recorded.
If you let me I will edit it and post it here in your memory.


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lol well gg. 12:59 the end of an era. just gross after other super gross games…

and i guess to be fair, I was “competitive” the whole game, until…

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What is strange to me is Marin would still be played as a 7 mana 1/1…so why is he a 6/6?

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