Funny poll indeed

Hey, Blizzard, you are giving us a poll, and asking us, whther some changes to prepurchase bundles increase the chances we buy them. Or don’t increase them.
You somehow forgot to add the option for decreasing the chances for us to prepurchase.
Was that omission just a plain incompetence, or do you actually not want to know what can make us less inclined to prepurchase? Which is incompetence on its own, now that I think about it.

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someone forgot that they agreed not to disclose anything within the survey you were asked to take part in…

Not really. As I understand it, I am not supposed to disclose what I filled in. Which I didn’t.
The thread would be already deleted otherwise, I have no doubts.

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On the one hand, Cramer is correct about what the rules are.

On the other hand, I don’t care about those rules, and I don’t see why you should care either.

Don’t overestimate the speed at which topics are closed by mods
Some conspiracy theories filled with trolls and toxic debates can sometimes thrive for days of insults before someone comes to close them, if at all

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The actual agreement was not to disclose anything in the survey. Questions asked, how you answered, topics raised, options of answers given to choose from, all of it. I am not 100% about this next bit, but I dont think you are even supposed to disclose that you took part in the survey either.

I’m fairly sure that in all their surveys they give you the option to freely type out any other things you want to go over. Giving you your chance to bring up any points they didnt address, things of concern that should have attention, incentives or disincentives you wish to inform them of, etc.

Only if you wasted your chances to bring them up yourself would the only incompetence be present, as since they had taken the steps to provide open ended text fields for you to do such things such as letting them know what would make us less inclined to prepurchase. Im hoping you took your opportunity presented to you to do such but if I were to be a betting person I might be inclined to bet you didnt do that.

I just enjoy letting people know they might be shooting themselves in their own foot so to speak. Its a few and far between feeling, but when it genuinely happens and you get to see them become that self fulfilled prophecy that was avoidable, that feeling of both joy and sadness that washes over… i cant explain it… but its something I live for lol. Not for the “I told you so” snarkiness… but oddly its the sadness of knowing I did all I could and still couldnt make the outcome any different… like a Time Traveller’s tragic acceptance of an event despite their efforts? IDK. I cant really put it into words that do it justice.

But its not for love of the rules of anything between Blizz and such lol. nah.

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Weird. But none of my business. You do you.

Okay, as long as it’s not that.

It was the last question without any open boxes to fill.

No, they did not.

In this particular example, I have no foot, so I don’t have to be afraid to be shot in one, so to speak.