Fun match ruined by Reno

Was playing a really close challenging match that just had to be ruined by Reno. It was not apparent who would win, but it was close and I was fighting for my life and then Reno was played. So boring.


Seems like that’s modern hearthstone for you. Uninteractive cards like reno and demon seed rule the game.


Well, as Reno is a card in the game, wouldn’t you think, given your knowledge of your own deck, if they hadn’t played it yet, they actually had the game in their pocket if you were to play into it. Sounds like you did.

Unfortunate, but if you played into Reno, it doesn’t mean the card is broken.

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I don’t assume that everyone puts this lame card in their deck - I don’t use it in any of mine. Cuz it’s lame.

let me guess you lost is a card game and there always a chance for a card to "ruin " your game by helping the opponet to win

The thing I like about Hearthstone is that one player is “sure to win” for like two rounds, then the opponent is “sure to win” and it’s a cliffhanger almost constantly. There’s a LOT of cheese cards in this game, and they sorta try to out-cheese each other. I used to be stressed out about this, but with time I came to sorta like it.

With that said, it’s hard to argue that the Reno card is anything but cheese, even by the standards of Hearthstone cards. You get a board clear, next round your opponent can only have one minion, you get revolving good hero abilities, AND some armor. That’s a bit much for a single card.

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Reno is a great card. It will be needed after the next expac

You do realize a mindset like this will lose you games and may in fact be the reason you lost the game you posted about? Right?