From De Other Side + Fate Spitter

Seems Blizz allowed an OP oops again,

10 Mana - From De Other Side

“Summon a copy of each minion in your hand.
They attack random enemy minions, then die.”

3 Mana - Fate Splitter

“Deathrattle: Get a copy of the card that killed this.”

Seems a bit op. Obviously I lost after six or seven rounds at 10 mana. At the end of the match, Had played 6 of - From De Other Side and every turn he would just play another, and get a replacement.

Should make those two cards mutually exclusive, one or the other in a deck, but not both.

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It is just another Blizzard fail which will make us suffer for a month or so before fixed… not big deal… I am not even hoping anymore for a balance… just let it go and don’t pay a cent…


Yeah, Other than D4, I haven’t spent a cent with them in years, nor watched any of their league stuff that they get paid endorsements.


DK thought he had it clinched with Lord Marrowgar and 38 corpses

So I stole it with Cold Storage, played it with 68 corpses.

From De Other Side generates a lot of corpses.

hsreplay net/replay/VUp9ykHZDEtDLsT6N3YUQt

Edit 2: not sure if it shows in the replay above, but there is a bug in Fate Spitter’s mechanics when used with From De Other Side. Since Bliz don’t pay me to do their work, I don’t feel like helping them for free. Besides, I’m sure the dev’s they pay can find it on their own without my help. Could be considered an exploit, but who knows, maybe they intended it to work like it does.

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Not a bug. Works exactly as it’s designed to work.


Well then they need to rework the combo,

Because when Spitter dies due to attacking something larger (i.e: 0 health remaining)
You don’t get a copy of the card that killed it, you get a copy of the spell.

It appears that even though any of the summoned minions die due to attacking, none of their deathrattle’s trigger for being at 0 or less health, and rather ignore their death, and only trigger as if they were killed by the spell.

But hey if it’s how they intended…

And now the :cat2:'s out of the bag.

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Just give Activision a few years and they’ll up the mana cost on one of those cards by 1. Problem solved. :grin::laughing:

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Correct. That’s because the card that killed Fate Splitter is De Other Side. The effect of De Other Side that causes the minion to die occurs BEFORE the health check to determine if a minion is dead. Look at the text on De Other Side. “They attack random enemy minions, then die.” So as part of the Spell action, the minion dies. The health check does not happen in the middle of the Spell action. It has always worked that way.

Yet another failure that will run amok while the devs are still sneezing out the kaka from having their heads up each others asses during the design phase.

i dont think it would matter

headmaster kelthuzad

“if the spell killed any minions summon them”

the conditon is met if a minion dies as a result of the spell for example if you have headmaster and play hysterla any minion the target kills get summoned to your side

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Not quite the same,

If I have seven minions in my hand and play From de other side,

a) I get seven minions who attack OPP other minions.

b) the minions I summon trigger their deathrattle (most importantly Fate splitter, but others that summon a minion on death, or copy a spell/card, or deal dmg to enemy hero, are equally helpful)

c) I get 7 corpses each time I play it, or rather a corpse for each minion in my hand when I use it.

If lucky enough to copy a minion or card from Opp DK, and get Lord Marrowgar…
pssh. Hmm do I play de other side for 10 mana, or lord Marrowgar with 42 corpse?

No worry , there are people around this forums who know the game very well and can tell you :unamused: that the interaction is not bugged…Even though it is bugged and blizzard fixed it…RIP my deck which I crafted for 2k dust.