Friend of a Friend Leaving Battlegrounds

It was completely busted but finding a buddy without brann can sometimes be total garbage aka you get useless buddies so too much of a nerf for 6 star. So for a 6 star card maybe after you sell this discover a buddy. (This minion sells for 2-3 gold?)

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Main issue has always been brann, but since heā€™s been in the game since the beginning, Iā€™m guessing the mode has already been tested thousands of times without brann.

Is the game boring without brann? Does it make certain classes weaker or builds. Please let us know.

Thanks Dev team!

You remove something that is rare and fun when it happensā€¦ But Murloc poison, that complety ruins the game is still thereā€¦ Posion should not be in battlegrounds

Itā€™s amazing to me that so many peopleā€™s response to its removal isnā€™t ā€œgood itā€™s broken and needs reworkedā€ and instead is ā€œtoo bad. It was fun.ā€ like it being broken means nothing as long as itā€™s funā€¦

thank you for taking out all the fun in this game mode.


Is it possible for blizzard to add changes to bg like they do with standard to the in game notification. Itā€™s really getting annoying that the only way some people find out about these changes is on twtich or Twitter. If it wasnā€™t for twtich I wouldnā€™t of even know about most of the changes happening in bgs because itā€™s so hard to find these information on the hearthstone website.

Kindly f off with this ā€œrationaleā€ while poison is a thing. BG is a self-filling hell until this is changed. So make some real QoL changes and not this crap.

THIS. Amalgadons have being pulling this BS for ages and no one has batted an eye. You want to change the game in a positive way? Drop the dons.

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Fun? Big no no.

Monotonous poisonous scams? YEP.

Couldā€™ve at least kept till the next BG expansion.

Maybe make him zerus-like card. Every turn in your hand he is different buddy.

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