I don’t understand why freezing trap is allowed to make minions cost more than 10 so they are literally dead cards in hand. Was playing highlander shaman and attacked with my Zilliax and the card was essentially dead in my hand with 11 cost and no way to play it. This is stupid.
no way to play?
1.)what about audio mech who cranks it up to 11
2.)greedy partner can find you coins(we can coin past 10 mana now)
3.)there is a 1 mana 2/1 mech that reduces the cost of the next mech you play by one
If freezing trap is so powerful you need to counter play I found you three options you can use in shaman
If I had these in my deck to use them then it wouldn’t be a dead card. I’m not going to put these into a deck just in case of hunter deck and it’s ridiculous that you’re trying to say it’s not a dead card simply because there EXISTS a way to play it if my deck was what it’s not. There’s tons of mana addition cost cards that bring the cost to 10 for a reason; it’s stupid to have anything cost more than a player can play.
most don’t standard
Cult Neophyte, Customs Enforcer, speaker stomper
cold feet, pocket sand, freezing trap, and frost trap don’t limit
Frost plague does?
looking in wild
tainted heart, rebuke, blackjack stunner, Nerub’ar weblord, boom pistol bully, loathab, muck plumber, nerubian unraveler don’t limit
Far Watch Post does?
did I miss one, by a ton you mean 2?
You’re giving examples of temporary cost increases, freezing trap isn’t temporary. Any way of creating dead cards in a hand that makes it so they can’t be used for the rest of the game is a bad design. I don’t care how it’s created or what the history of cards that create temporary or permanent increased cost cards are. You’re being asinine and posting just to post giving bad examples of temporary cost change cards that arent even creating the situation in which I had when I created this post.
ah understood your opponent outplayed you you wish to whine about a ten year old card why? because you lost the match and it felt bad that you couldn’t replay zilliax? If you thought they had freezing trap you could have not attacked with zilliax and used a different minion first to avoid this effect that has been around for 10 years
You made a statement that was false I corrected you
there is 1 permanent and 1 temporary effect that increase cost and limits to 10
there are 2 permanent and 13 temporary effects that don’t limit
none of these are bad examples they each require you to deal with a problem before the card that cost over 10 mana can be replayed, just as I gave you solutions to allow you to play your 11 mana Zilliax
Bro, you came here and started telling me how first my deck should be geared for a niche deck in standard like secret hunter just so a dead cardight somehow be able to counter this. Then you gave examples of temporary cost increase cards that can make a situation that isn’t similar to mine where a card is truly dead in hand. Now you’re acting like a child lashing out because you’re being called out for your bad replies that don’t truly give any positive constructive criticism to what I have to say about dead cards being bad for the game. You clearly are seeking to try to be helpful but I think you’re doing it the wrong way and actually just being toxic. Please stay out of the conversation if you’re not adding anything positive to it.
100% this. Most secrets are meant to be disruptive, and you either have to play around them or accept the consequences. We all make mistakes, but mistakes are how we grow. Next time, don’t trigger Freezing Trap with a 9+ cost minion
See this is a normal response Skizzy gave. A good response; not blamed me for my deck not having niche cards or trying to compare apples to oranges like Lznad.
I totally never said this
you derailed your original post
I simply stated this is not true and provided evidence
I also simply just gave a list of cards that could get around the effect I never said your deck was bad because it didn’t have one
actually this is the opposite to normal, your on the internet most will tell you to “get good” before offering any sympathy
The first post you made that was anywhere near constructive was your third where you were lashing out like a child. Get a better attitude
No, they merely showed you there are answers to your niche problem you encountered. There merely EXISTS answers to that problem you may never encounter again, so your claim that its a dead card in hand for rest of the game kinda falls flat when there are answers to that very issue out there. You can choose to accept that those cards were brought to your attention and move on and decide for yourself if putting any in your deck might benefit you in general or not. Nowhere did they suggest you should be running all those answers in your deck only to counter this niche issue.
Stating the literal facts of “actually, these cards can help in that scenario and in others like it” isnt the issue you are making it out to be.
That doesn’t change the fact that dead cards in hand are a bad design. Upping the cost to 10 is reasonable but when you have a card that literally can’t be played in a game without niche counters is ridiculous. Defending that it makes dead cards in hand for the duration of the game okay because there are cards that can counter it that are used in a very low percentage of decks in standard ranked as a way to counter my argument is very flawed.
No, you are refusing to understand what the conversation being had here is. and instead are having your own narrative.
You encountered a situation that made a card more expensive when it sent it back to your hand, thats a very common thing in this game. Most people have encountered this many times.
First strategy should have been to play around the possible secrets you suspect it could have been by not risking your big expensive minion attacking first, but instead letting a small meaningless one be the guinea pig to test out which secret you are up against. had a 1 cost minion swung and gone back to hand, no issue really, and you kept your big minion safe from going back to hand and being too expensive to play again.
But since you obviously lack the experimental thought process to not swing with a big minion when you dont know what secret you are dealing with yet… you end up with a scenario that you, not blizzard, put yourself into. you played right into your opponents secret in the absolute best way possible for them, and worst for you. and you did it on purpose.
Now, once you’ve gotten sore about putting yourself in that scenario of swinging blindly with your big important high cost minion and a secret you didnt try to test out first before doing that…you came to the forum blaming the game developers for doing something that is 100% on you for what happened. But you can do no wrong and thats why all the helpful info and posts about how others dont see that scenario the way you do have gone ignored by you.
Those cards that were brought up were to be examples of how that scenario you put yourself in could have a solution if you were so willing to swing with a minion when theres an unknown secret in play and you didnt experiment to find out what it was first so you end up losing your big important expensive minion back to hand. Those cards suggested can solve your bad playing, if you were willing to take the advice and were still so stubborn as to do this this again learning nothing else from this thread.
Learn to probe secrets before doing things you’ll regret. If i dont have a 2nd minion to swing at to experiment with that turn, and i dont wanna lose my big minion, i wont attack that turn. I’ll wait til the next round to try and probe their defenses to learn what secret they might be using. Just swinging blindly knowing full well you dont know what the secret is or isnt… is all on you. Not the game.