This is quite funny to me. People who have played for a long time, or continuously are sitting on plenty of cards. And as soon as Blizzard gives out a free deck to any new player, or returning players, people are crying about how unfair it is.
Its equal to a child in kindergarten sitting on a pile of toys, crying how unfair it is, that the new kid got a free toy on arrival…
Here is where im at: This is a great way to attract players, and give them a kickstart into the game… Do i wish Blizzard had a “veteran” system aswell, for loyal players. Sure. But i wouldnt highjack this thread, claiming how unfair it is, when Blizzard is thinking about new players, or the returning players, and how to give them a little nudge into the game.
I think this is really unfair. You should provide the free deck to each player not just the new ones or the quitter ones; furthermore, people have spent money to get those cards you are giving for free.
Another point is the time window you have considered, from 17th March on is pretty ridicoulous, from beginning of March it would have been more fair also considering the European and USA situation where a lot of people maybe has get back in the game due to the lockdown status.
I hope you will take another decision about this free deck, because actually it is really really discriminatory.
Your Analogy is rubbish.
Did the kid pay for those toys?
How about this, you pay rent, you pay rent all the time, and your landlord offers a free month of rent.
But only to new renters.
So you the loyal customer who has paid rent, get nothing, but some one else gains financially, from you what you paid.
Yes, it is great idea for the landlord, but that doesn’t change the fact that the reason he can afford to offer a free month of rent is because you paid into the system.
Why not just give everyone, including new and returning customers a free month of rent as a thank you?
Because the landlord doesn’t care about you, because you are the chump already paying.
That is the attitude Blizzard has adopted.
the 4 month thing for returning players isnt new…theyve just upgraded what you get when you come back.
They are rewarding players that have no interest in the game instead of actually loyal player.
Well i have to ask…I started the game at 12 of March ,so i am kind of new player…do i deserve the free deck?
I ask nicely 
Nope, same thing even if you started playing on 16th on March.
You are a new player only from the 17th on, if you logged in for the first time on the 16th of March you are a pro of Hearthstone instead…
NEW QUEST- play 100 games in any mode, get 5 random card packs, including 1 random guaranteed Legendary DRAGON Please? 
The whole point is to get these formerly interested players to be interested in the game again. Which would boost player numbers, which in turn helps game development, which helps these “actually loyal players” you seem so concerned about.
Just admit you want free stuff. It’s OK, we all like free stuff.
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So, what about the new player who started 2 weeks? Don’t tell me to restart a new account doesn’t make sense especially if he/she bought the new adventure.
This only helps for brand new and players who hasn’t played in the last 4 month.
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The new player experience has been significantly overhauled in the past year. A player who started two weeks ago is getting plenty of stuff already. If anything, it can be an encouraging sign to see that if they ever quit the game, there are opportunities to make coming back easier.
What did they get that’s better than this in the last two weeks?
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In the last two weeks? Nothing. But that’s not what I said, and I’m not sure why you would expect everyone to get extra free stuff at the same time. The new player experience was overhauled over the past year. Returning players got something with this promotion. Long-term players are getting multiple requested features such as triplicate protection and of course, the new quests which make earning gold a lot easier.
Could things be better? Sure! Game is still on the pricey side, and even with triplicate protection you’ll end up with a lot of repeated cards. But it seems very silly to be demanding free stuff just because a different set of players are getting a temporary bonus now.
And of course, long-term players are going to get a massive dust refund come HoF time, since we have multiple Legendaries and epic cards rotating to the Hall of Fame. So there’s that too.
and even with triplicate protection you’ll end up with a lot of repeated cards.
? Confused…please help/explain.
OH…do you mean once you have all of a certain level (like rare)?
Correct. Triplicate protection doesn’t change the drop rate for Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards, so you’ll still see a lot of repeated Rare cards (and depending on how many packs you get, some repeated Epics as well).
Hey, i logged in on my new account on a couple of days but i havent passed the rank 40 yet i am still be able to get a free deck or nah? because if not i will enter right now to at least craft leeroy before he goes to hof
You all gonna do anything for those who pay $50-$130 per expansion to support the game or is a cosmetic portrait worth the 6000+ dust equivalent?
Asking for a friend…
I do want free stuff. But I don’t have a problem with the free deck for returning players. I wish it was in place when I came back to HS in Jan 2018 after 3 years.
It’s not a slap in the face but surely it’s ok to ask why regularly paying customers don’t get a bonus also? If I understand it these decks are dustable so what reasons exist to not gift say 5k dust for 3 preorders a year or to start a loyalty programme.
More players come back great, if as many leave due to not feeling valued and take there $240+ annual spend is that not bad for HS?
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The problem with the argument of “oh, what do loyal customers get” is that it ignores all the random giveaways we get throughout the year. Sure, this looks like a lot of stuff, but that’s mostly because it’s happening all at once. If you add up all the free stuff you can get throughout a year of playing (promotional packs, event quests, login bonuses, Hall of Fame refunds, and so on), you are likely getting just as much free stuff as you would get out of this special.
It does not. Everybody getting all the free stuff is fine. It adding up to 6k dust/deck equivalency is fine. We who play get our gifts spread out through the year, returning players get theirs for logging in. Again, I wish this was in place when I returned.
It does not negate a paying player not feeling valued, recognised for loyalty, etc. I’ve made my decision as regards spend, and I know diddly squat won’t change. It don’t mean that those who continue to pay have a false argument.
Either way, do you. I came on here today to ask about the prospects of the Shaman class going forward, I should get back to that.