Free 3200 Dust?

(If you want the happy version, skip the edit and only read my original post and the first 20 or so comments. If you’re more into facing the sad reality of life, start with the edit and then read the comments starting from most recent.)
Well, now I’m even more confused. I went to craft an epic card just now, knowing I had all of this newly acquired dust, and the card was grayed out and the craft button not active. I hadn’t actually checked my dust balance, did so, and it was at 5, not 3205.
I see I’m not the only one.
This thread’s tone has certainly changed since I started it and checked back the first time to see all of those happy replies.

Original post follows, unedited so as to persevere the feelings of joy and thanks felt by the author at the time:

Hello all,

I just logged in and there was a pop-up saying I’d just gotten 3,200 dust. I wasn’t paying attention before that though and didn’t see the explanation for this, if there was one.
Just wondering if I missed a nerf or cards going to a new Hall of fame or something.

Thanks for any info and thanks Blizzard (Microsoft?) for the dust.


I got 8000. I imagine it’s from card changes


It’s recompense for uncraftable legendaries being opened in packs and event rewards (e.g Vandar and Drekthar), apparently.

I got 8400 which is quite a nice surprise.


yeah i got 8k. damn.


I’ve received 16K though. how are they calculated, does anyone know?


I recieved 8400… twice!!!

I’m never against free stuff but 16,800 dust is CRAZY to recieve out of nowhere


I lost all the golden location cards I gained from the honor event quest. My brother says it happened to him too. Weird.

The ones I put in decks were replaced with non-golden versions. Think that means I just have them non-golden.


I got 5600, twice. :open_mouth:

I’ve never had this much Dust in my life.

Thank you, Blizzard. :heart:

Between this and some of the announced management changes, more so ever in years it really feels like you’re listening to us and trying to give us a great experience!


I will trade Uncraftable Golden cards all day long for dust value and a regular copy of the card.

I feel like we’re probably not gonna get this kind of a windfall often. This is genuinely a first in my entire Hearthstone career. I feel drunk with power right now. I think I’m gonna make a rule that I’m not crafting anything tonight.

Thank you, TheBadJesus, for bringing word of the Great Boon of 2022 to our ears.


I got 2x 8000 arcane dust for a total of 16k arcane dust. I came here right away to find out what’s going on, but I’m grateful for it though.


This is certainly a lovely gift. Thanks again Blizz!
I’m going to craft all the commons from useless sets so I can just look at them…NOT!
Gonna sit on this and decide what to make after nerfs…AND I’m going to make a special wild legendary that I don’t own.


Wow, this can’t be intentional. I have 16k arcane dust in my collection right now. I feel like the bank randomly added $5000 to my account or something…


I know Dust drops can often hurt sales, so I’m thinking of pledging a sale to Blizzard just over all the changes announced today and the Great Dusty Drop. This is very generous.


maybe it’s kindness of act from Microsoft lol


It’s very much generous! Maybe we should all spend right away just in case Blizzard made a big mistake and take 'em all back from us lol


Oh, we definitely got gifted.

A Hearthstone pack is roughly a $1.20-$1.50 USD value & baselines at 40 dust at lowest rarities.

I got 11,200 Dust, which genuinely translates to 280 baseline rarity packs and about a $300-400 value if I were to buy packs to try to craft this. :open_mouth:

We all ought to give whoever just did this a rousing cheer.


Other than saying thank you here, where else can I say thanks?

Also, I was thinking…could this also be a mea culpa in light of the recent wait for nerfs…just a thought.


i remember reading about a refund for uncraftables weeks ago there were bug reports about getting lokholar in packs


Everyone cheer this guy to pieces before he finds out just how much “money” in pack value they actually gave out, good God. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This is like walking into a Magic store and having them give you a free case for earning rewards in a given season.

I couldn’t find a way to spend my newly acquired arcane dust. I’m now 30k arcane dust in total. I pretty much got all the standard legendary cards and epic cards. Except the golden cards. Got handful of them, but never really a hardcore hearthstone card collector. Way too expensive to collect all the standard golden legendary cards lol