Free 3200 Dust?

Just be patient. You can craft your favorite Tier decks for years to come on that!!!

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I don’t know if I can wait until midnight to craft my first Legendary, people. That Final Showdown is calling my name. :drooling_face:

Anyone tried DH quest in Wild so far? I’ve played against it a few times and I usually lose if they’re doing it right!

I suppose. As long as I can keep 'em for good and not emptied out my arcane dust stash. Having extra 16k arcane dust will be very helpful for me for the future expansion. Don’t have to worry about buying bundles for it lol

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It’s a really challenging card to use, I didn’t really have much success with it. I’m doing very well with odd demon hunter though.


Well that’s the thing, I’m thinking I’m going to buy something anyway, just to return the karma.

I wonder if DeckTech even realizes he just handed out actual billions of dollars’ worth of dust. Blizzard employs 9,500 people. I’ve spent ~$60 on HS over eight years. They’re not employing 9,500 people on what I’ve spent, but I’d like to do my part to help the good vibes go around.

Damn $60 within 8 years? That’s self discipline. I spent almost $5000 since started playing HS in 2016 and had bad choices too when i was just started such as selling epic cards and legendary cards that I didn’t like then later on finding out that I needed them in the next expansion to build decks. Eventually learned my lesson and kept all the cards and started collecting until now . I only play in standard rank though. So all the wild cards i sold them all lol

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There is only one logical answer… Master Chief did it.


It gets easier when the choice is cards or food. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I don’t make a huge lot, but I do what I love and I’m happy!

You clearly are the kind of customer that pays Blizzard’s bills!

I think your reward is that you get to play what you want for years to come if you manage that Dust cache with patience, and I hope they listen to your needs here.

Seriously people, I’m packing all my Hearthstone cards in the truck and moving to Mexico before they realize what they did… :running_man::truck: :money_with_wings:

Oh wait. Darn. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I had a job that pays well so every paycheck I bought a bundle $50 until it accumulate throughout the years. Every expansion released I usually buy starting from Grand Champion, Old Gods and so on. HS is one of the game that you can play at work quickly while using one hand lol

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I’m proud of my collection too. It has taken a lot of self-discipline to accumulate good decks on what I spend.

I remember crafting Sylvanas and Baku, my first actual Legendary crafts ever and some of my first real tier-level cards. I was so poor, it took actual years to start getting some good decks together.

More like thank you Microsoft


yes, Blizz gave out free card packs too especially when new expansion comes out. So those who do not spend much can get lucky and hit those nice epic and legendary in card packs. Unfortunately, Blizzard began to get money hungry/greedy and raised the prices of their bundles and packs way too much. I hardly buy now unlike when it used to be cheaper back in the day. I only buy a $20-$40 bundle when expansion comes or If i collected enough gold, I buy multiple single card pack to open up. Blizz became way too greedy. $99 a bundle now and they’ll throw away a lame hero portrait with decent animation.

Got 6000 dusts from this
weirdness. Thanks MicroBlizz?


I received 3200 dust.
I am also now missing cards in my collection (I have incomplete decks now)
They didn’t give anything, they swapped cards for dust. Better check your collections.


Yea golden Lok (the level 25 paid reward card) and the golden cards from the honor track.


I have no incomplete decks but any of these particular Uncraftable Rewards I didn’t put in a deck is finito, vanished, gone.

Curiouser and curiouser.

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Master Chief mind telling us what you are doing on that Hearthstone board?

Sir… finishing this fight!

to be continued in Hearthstone 3

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Thanks Micro-Blizzard!


Noggenfogger or RIOT!