Forums Lack Official Communication

Why do the Hearthstone forums get so little official information from Blizzard? Is this not a place where many of their best customers are?

They invest heavily in communicating via x and Reddit. These are third party platforms. Why would you not want to grow your community in your own “backyard”?

Here are two examples:

  • On Reddit there is a Blizzard employee that responds multiple times a day to comments
  • On x they announced they will have a communication on why they didn’t make a board for PiP

While I wish this would change so we could get more information here, I also legitimately would like help understanding the rationale for not having content here in the first place.

Any insight is appreciated!


Sadly their backyard got the seed of the hatreds.
You don’t want to communicate with people that is majoritarily angry about the game, right ?

In 2012, forums were the way people communicated about their games and their clans.
It is now 2024. It is all Discord, Reddit, etc.
They leave the forums up, but it is just screaming into the void.
Not sure why I keep looking at it, honestly, lol.

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We receive official communications all the time.

There was at least one, today.

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At one point the former lead designer for HS more or less admitted they had forgotten about this forum existing.

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Those communities still have a large audience, the forums are a tiny fraction of that size.

The populatity of a medium controlled by the company that owns/runs the game is never going to be as popular as one that is seen to be neutral to all parties. In this place they just delete topics they don’t like and ban users at will. They don’t need to seek permission. They write it in the rules that their power is absolute, and their decisions are not allowed to be disseminated or discussed.

probably cuz i’m here.
they probably don’t like me. nobody likes me. oh well.

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