Forced disconnection

I am SICK of losing matches due to your OBVIOUS forced disconnections.

Full strength wifi and full 5G service. Every damn time. Sure the priest I was beating was probably waiting for his forced 50 win and you gave it to him at my expense. LAY OFF.

Keep it up and some friends of mine will start making your days just as garbage Blizz.

:popcorn: This will go well.

Odd question, but is there a microwave oven in use while you play? My father and I both concluded our PCs get wonky when the microwave is running. Which leads to disconnections and graphical stuttering.

Never attribute to malice what could be explained by incompetence. Blizzard servers have a longstanding history of sucking.

No microwave involved, sounds like the wave shielding inside your microwave has failed. Replace it quickly is my advice.

I attribute it to malace with blizzard. These problems started AFTER I stopped giving them money. That said I wont give them anymore. Could’ve bought a good high end gaming laptop with what I spent on HS.

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bad connection! so thats was the problem … you probably saw the card hovering thing too

ill guess is time to change internet service provider

oof. Didn’t think of that. It’s a newer microwave, too. Bought 2 months ago. I’ll file a replacement. Ty.

Connection on my end isnt the problem troll. I have ran many connection tests. The problem is blizzs account directives protocol. Those are the server side settings for each account.

Its how they screw with certain people.

Piss off troll.

It’s not targeted, they just have bad servers. I’m not saying blizzard wouldn’t do something awful like that, but making their servers bad specifically for some players would require them to make them good in the first place (which would require spending money, and blizzard is so shortsightedly greedy they’d rather lose $1,000,000 over a year than spend $1000 right now).

I agree that their servers are bad, disagree about it being targeted or complex to do.

Bandwidth allowance settings allow it, and those CAN be changed by account. It doesnt require any complex coding or a super fantastic server either.

Next, many times this happens (not everytime) there is a blizz update as it has to disconnect you for the system to edit code. Cant do so while in use for this setting I suppose. Makes sense because you’re immediately dropped. No stall out, dropped right from the game. No update mentioned by blizz at all, everytime this happens. Not to mention I have ran other accounts on the same connection and hardware with NO similar issues. Not one time. Seems pretty straight forward to me.