Curious - how many are using non-larded decks, these days? Are you a Prince Renthal type? Extra deck fatty, or the standard thirty card player?
I see quite a bit of blubber in play now. Forty card decks, a puffy amount of legendaries and endless games of bloated play.
Tie it to the odd roper, and these games go on for an excessive amount of time. Makes wild a rotund, piggy affair, now.
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I don’t even play any Renathal decks currently but now I want to
i am fat and renethal enjoyer and i resemble this comment. you’re a jerk though so it’s fine
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I can’t use Renthanal in Pure Paladone deck
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You may have to get up and walk between rounds. Don’t go too hard.
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Ugh, that sounds difficult
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Go for a walk. It clears the mind and reduces the urge for Slurpees and Skittles.
i’ll consider it. i don’t actually eat totally junk food like that type though but some junk food maybe a tiny bit.