Fizz Kindleroost Viable?

Update: Am I asking on the wrong forum, or do people not discuss deck builds here? I’m mostly curious as to why it seems like I don’t see anyone else using this card.

Currently sitting at 56 Wins / 27 Losses. (67%)

I know dragon druid’s making the rounds again, but I updated an old dragon deck with some new cards, and am looking for some feedback because I’m using cards I don’t see anyone else using with the current decks.

I’ve tried updating this deck a few times, but each time I’ve gotten noticeably worse results. The main idea is to use expensive dragons, make them cheaper or cheat them out, with the ability to discover dragons, plus a lot of lifesteal minions.
This is partially in response to criticisms I’ve heard that the current dragon decks are too expensive. I know this isn’t going to do great against the top meta decks, but I’ve enjoyed it.

The main downside seem to be that if I get unlucky I’ll take some hits on the first few turns, but I also have a lot of lifesteal cards. It’s also somewhat decent at countering a wide range of meta decks everyone seems to use, saving me from that frustration.

Strength in Numbers
Breath of Dreams
Dragon Tales****
Splish-Splash Whelp
Zephyrus the Great
Dreaming Drake*****
Take to the Skies**
Desert Nestmatron
Fizz Kindleroost*
Spinetail Drake
Time-Lost Protodrake
Emerald Explorer
Reno Jackson
Sunspot Dragon
Utgarde Grapplesniper
Dragon Golem
Evasive Draconoid
Winged Guardian
Twin Tyrant
Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Fye, the Setting Sun
Ysera, Unleashed***
Scrapyard Colossum

*Fizz Kindleroost is probably the most important card in this deck, and I see no-one else using it.
**Take to the Skies is not here to boost Dragon Golem, but to empty the deck looking for Fizz Kindleroost and other cards that will boost mana.
***As a highlander deck, Ysera, Unleashed is often not used, but it’s saved by butt on numerous occasions when my deck’s polluted and I can’t rely on Rheastrasza for new dragons, but it can also provide a helpful boost against decks that burn my deck. It’s also useful when cards are pulled from my hand, because it helps reduce the chances of more important cards being pulled. I tried removing it from the deck and it’s absence was noticeable.
****I always go for Tall Tales. I realize it could help out in the early game, but the low mana dragon pool is much worse, and I’ve regretted that choice almost every time.
*****I don’t keep this in my starting hand. The odds of being able to use it early in the game are poor, and it’s more useful to try getting a card to boost mana or make the dragons cheaper.

I realize this is a slower deck than most people consider viable, but again, it’s fun, more reliable than I expected, and would appreciate some feedback. Thank.