Fix wild please

Man I gotta say I have been playing hearthstone since launch and when wild became a format I fell in love it’s the main format I play and over the years it’s has just been neglected over and over in terms of balance ……let me start by just simply asking a developer why is ice block still in the game ? It completely shuts off a whole strategy of the game and they case the spell 5 times in a row none of us should ah w to main deck eater of secrets ……guff breaks the fundamental mechanics of the game straight up breaks the fundamentals no hero should have access to 20 mana ……why is the demon seed un banned , like you banned it for a reason !!! It’s not healthy for the game ! ……last but not least ROGUES DONT PAY MANA FOR ANYTHING ! Like some of us are full time wild players and treat it as our main format why can’t we balance it and why does it feel like a vacation home for standard players to come and sight see for a weekend ? …….roffle is the legit face of the format he is the reason I got into it and idk about you guys but the man can’t stand to play the format that he is known for !!! He legit looks like he is in agony when he has to Que for it if we just outright ban these cards the game is 100% better my favorite deck off all time is Reno warrior and cube lock but I’m sooooooo sick of these problem cards below if these changes were made it would make the game so much better for all play styles Agro , control , combo

Ban - guff, ice block , demon seed , open the way gate , Sorcerer’s apprentice and the priest apprentice , Reno Jackson , objection, shudderwok, togwaggle ,auctioneer

Like flame me tell me I’m coping but we can’t just “nerf” cards like these or change the txt they need to just go blizz had a habit of dancing around the problem cards and never just taking care of the PROBLEM ! Call me crazy idc but if these changes were made the we would have a whole new game man !

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Not wrong, but also ban all titans as well. Nerf pirate rogue, pirate warrior, totem shaman and any other deck that can frequently win before turn 10.