Fix this "I WIN" setup. It's not fun

I will for feet all paladins now until they fix this “I WIN” setup.
There is no game play and no way to beat it.
Paladin plays horsey thing so their hero power makes horseys.
Then they play draw 3 cards that cost 3 or less.
Those cards let them make all 4 horseys in one turn and you instant lose.
Anyone agree with me on this?
If you disagree then tell me what card I need in my deck to beat this.

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Try it on top 500 legend…is USELESS!!!

What card do I need to put in my deck, so I don’t lose to it anymore?

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Grizzled wizard will swap your hero power with theirs, then use something that changes your hero power like sif finely to make their hero power a basic one. Once you swap powers back they get the basic power you chose instead of summoning the four horseman.

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If I put those cards in my deck will the algo even put me up against the horsey deck?
So I have to depend on the algo giving me both those cards before the palidin gets the horsey power.
Won’t those cards just be a waste of cards if the algo refuses to put me up against the horsey deck with those cards in my deck?
Are those the only cards that can defeat the hosrsy?
It would be funny if I put both those cards in my deck and the algo withholds one of the cards to the back of the deck to make sure you lsoe against the horsey everytime. lol

So those two cards are the only way to beat horsey? There are no other cards? And you have to rely on the rigged game to give you both of them before he plays the horsey.

I have actually used the switch and change hero power thing before, the problem was the algo found it to game braking for pre-made decks and refused most of the time to give you both cards at the same time. Very seldom was I able to get both cards at the same time. So I abandoned that strategy because the algo would always withhold one of the cards.


This week i havent played exodia paladin for some time and in my first game they played that finley combo on me
right after playing uther…
so don’t give up maybe the algo finds your horsy soon…

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So you are saying the game is rigged?
You haven’t played it like forever and hardly anyone has those hero switchoroo cards in their deck, but the first time you played horsey in months, you got matched with someone that has those switcharoo cards?
What are the odds of that, considering no one keeps those cards in their deck?
Rigged if you are not just making up your story.
I play every day for hours and hours and have not run into anyone with the switcharoo cards in 12 months or more. Yet the first time you play horsey paladin in months, you ran into someone with those cards? I very much doubt your story.

Do you know why no one keeps the switcharoo cards in their deck?
Because they are useless 99.99% of the time. You could fill those two slots with better cards and just four feet against horseys rather than have two useless cards.
I have a genius level IQ, and everyoen on the forums will agree with what I just stated.
Amirite bois?

It was a priest, in legend, in my road from 2000 to 1500
I usually have my game sessions recorded,
but i deleted that one because that defeat was, in fact, very demoralizing,
but had enough weight to remember and mention it here…

yet you cant beat it on your own?

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I mean, this guy beleives the first thing people say when shifts decks an their counter comes out,
But since i dont supported their rigged lunacy then try to discredit me,
Maybe every time the deck increases in popularity the finleys start to be seen…

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It was proven to be rigged. See my other threads.
I made an anti-DK plague deck that can beat plague DKs 100% every time, and since I have made it I have not been matched with any plague DKs.
It’s been over a week now and still I have not been matched up with any, when before almost half my games were plague DKs.
Follow my instructions and make your own anti-plague DK and see how many you get matched with.
The algo is rigging the game. It’s looking at people’s cards before it makes matches.
That is called CURATING. Curating is rigging. The end.
Everyone now agrees with me that the algo is rigging the matches. Everyone that has made an anti-plague DK deck does not get matched with them anymore.
People that were skeptical about rigging have sent me messages saying they made an anti-plague deck and were shocked that the game is looking at the cards in the decks before it makes matches.
They thought it was just picking opponents out of a hat randomly.
Make one yourself and tell me how many plague decks you get matched with.
Even you will say. “Silenstorm I do apologize you are right.”

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