This is completely wrong. THE ONLY COUNTER TO TOKEN HUNTER IS AGGRO PALADIN. You are acting like decks that lose to Warrior are counters to “fast aggro” but they ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT.
By the way, if you think that nerfing Warrior would cause new deck archetypes to spring into existence, no. No it wouldn’t.
Considering that you have almost 11k posts and a hidden profile, I am just assuming this is what you do all day. There is no convincing people that “KNOW” they are right.
Your counterarguments consist of “Nuh uh”.
Good luck there. Maybe touch some grass.
No, they consist of actually doing homework, and reading the matchup win rate table that Vicious Syndicate put out and actually doing some analysis. What you’re doing here is projection because your counter argument consists of nothing but cope.
You’re right about one thing though: I spend way more time on this than you do.
Point in case. You must live on the forums to respond this fast.
Second, you seem to not have any actual insight yourself. I will leave it at this, not gonna fight with a troll to convince them that all they can do is netdeck and regurgitate another analysis.
Brann and Reno are a big problem. Period. And you spend alot of energy defending that for some reason.
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You literally can’t think past “popular deck must be powerful.” It isn’t, Warrior doesn’t need to be nerfed at all.
Oh, the worst part? Your cards get disrupted way to easily and ruin the fun, and reno got his effect buff is a huge bad news.
Plage and framster exist to block those cards from activating.
Plague and framestere were those counters, but they buffed it so i uninstalled it.
and they got balls to nerf threads and grimwalker.
Yea, its a pretty big problem. The problem with a control deck is you need a win condition, which brann acts as a force multiplier for(indefinitely). What’s nonsensical, is how many “duplicate” clears they have without actually being a duplicate as well.
Warrior control is pretty gnarly with all the changes, and its still viable without brann and reno, you could actually make some more interesting decks w/o it.
If one decks existence shapes the entire meta, there is a huge problem. It is not healthy for a game, and it will drive people away ultimately.
Don’t get me wrong, there are other problems, but the meta’s current problem is that. It is literally defined by decks that can beat reno war, reno war, and the rest.
*I’d like to also point out, that reno warrior is pretty easy to pilot and still come out ahead, it sets an artificial difficulty curve for alot of people.
if you guys think that fixing highlander warrior will fix the meta well you are wrong.
if highlander warrior goes away it is just that some decks will get a little bit increased winrate but entire meta will not change at all because of the powercreep will still persist.