Fix this blizz. The devourer souls infinite card run out

The devoured of souls cards runner outer play is still going on for 20 minutes now since their turn wont end because of your infinite card play mechanics.
I have ice block so 170 fatigue cant kill me and eventually after a few days it will be a billion fatigue. I refuse to end the game. Fix these kinds of mechanics.
Amirite bois?

what ? there is a bug making it so iceblock stops fatigue damage ?

It blocks fatigue damage if it is the other persons turn. Their card runner outter won’t kill you

Won’t you just die from fatigue once their turn ends and you draw on your turn?

How can their turn end when they have an infinite spell cast going on? It wont until the spells are done and it they can never be done.

What’s the infinite spell combo? It probably eventually stops, although I guess it could also hit the stack height limit of 32 and kill both players.

not sure how the combo works but its that spell that hits every card for one damage and when it kills one it keeps going until all the cards it can kill are killed. but with devour of souls combo with that draw two cards death rattle it will go on forever. There is no end. Wasn’t really paying attention to the setup. something like that. Blizzard ended the game. its over. I suppose they will adjust something before every person starts doing it. If you don’t have ice block on it would kill you.

Defile? That one stops after 14 casts.

believe me it was setup in a way never to stop. Not sure how they comboed it all. They ran through their cards supe fast to get the combo cards they needed. Most of their cards were draw card cards to get the combo " i win " cards

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