Fix Battlegrounds

I don’t care about how everyone is just gonna tell me that its just luck or whatever but this game sucks. Battlegrounds specifically, Sucks. any time I try to go demons I roll 9 times and see 1 demon, same thing with every other faction, I go mechs I get one mech with 11 rerolls, I go Beasts I get 2 beast with 8 rerolls. How is it suppose to be fun when its like turn 8 and everyone has units with states in the 50’s when mine are breaching the teens for the first time. This part of the game cannot be fun to a wide spread player base so whatever anyway, I doubt I’m ever gonna play Hearthstone again because of it.

It sounds like you’re trying to force specific builds instead of building from what the shop is giving. You probably shouldn’t be re-rolling so much


Exactly this.

I used to try to “force” builds a lot - but learned that the other 7 players are competing for the same minions in the shop. It’s much harder to go for a build when at least 1-2 players are also dipping their hands into that minion type.

Honestly the best way to learn/play is to go with the punches and grab what you see in the shop that helps you. You will high-roll into some pretty big swing turns that will then for sure establish your build, but you will also low-roll and not get what you are looking for.