Fireside Gatherings

Remember those?

Does Joe Biden have something against FGs? Does Blizzard have a secret deal with the White House to keep them disabled?

The last time we were able to have a public FG, Trump was president. Does Trump plan to use that in his campaining? “MFGA - Make Fireside Gatherings Again!” Does Blizzard have a secret deal with HIM???

When do we get these back? The world wants to know!

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Who on Azeroth is that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh? I haven’t been following the subject much, but last time I heard of it, he was just the mayor of his Value Town. Has he made it to a president? If that were true, that’d be a fine career. :grinning:

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Fireside gatherings are scheduled by activision blizzard, not the united states federal government. Shocker, I know.

No. I mean the ones we can host ourselves. Anyone can establish their own tavern and host gatherings when Blizzard finally turns it back on again. Please educate yourself at the Fireside Gatherings website.

firesidegatherings dot com

Keywords being “when blizzard finally turns it back on”. Also if you knew this, why were you bringing biden and trump into it?

Dude. It’s called a joke. Please consider going to another thread, as you seem to not be able to conduct yourself properly in this one.

Yes. The key is “when IS Blizzard going to finally turn it back on?” You see how that works? If I knew WHEN Blizzard was going to do it, then I wouldn’t have posted this thread.

Now, go to bed.

Dunno about a bidet on a fireside gathering (although it could come in handy — you never know who’s gonna need some personal hygiene), but popular streamers like Trump might have the ear of some important people from the company, so who knows, maybe this tactic could work. :grinning:

PS Weren’t there actually those fireside gatherings before the MotLK launch? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

No. I’m only talking about the ones we can host for ourselves to get our taverns fully established and also to let people get the Nemsy skin again.

Sorry for my being not deep into the subject and not bothering to do the research… There were ‘public’ and ‘private’ events, right? The former, apparently, have been disabled due to the covid pandemic [1], nothing political.


‘You’d make a cute puppet.’ :grinning:

Actually, they might have just added her to the shop for free, as before.

Correct. I was just joking when I mentioned the presidents because it’s been so long. It’s been three years since we could host a public event. It struck me as a bit sad that we could go an entire presidential run without being able to host one.

Added also a reference above. Apparently, that health risk is still considered ongoing, and when (if ever) it’s over — your guess is as good as mine, unless you’re one of the pandemic designers, and I don’t think they’d exactly reveal their plans on this forum. :grinning:

Yeah, because a bunch of people gathering at Disneyland is safer than a dozen or so sitting around playing Hearthstone together. I think the Blizzard execs just hate us.


If I were to hazard a guess, it’s likely much more mundane: they don’t even hate the players — they simply care not a whit about them (‘Just give us your money, lol!’), which is arguably even worse; however, there’s a ‘legal’ (lol… athough not sure whether this is the place to elaborate, so I’ll refrain from going further into it for now) department, — somewhat infamous in that company, according to some sources [1] — which probably doesn’t want to bother with even a possibility of some hillbilly, let alone a whole bunch, suing them, hence this decision.


I agree with you that Blizzard’s lawyers are probably overzealous, but I’m fairly certain the EULA has several clauses that roughly amount to granting them the right to come into your house, slap your kids and kick your dog, and you have “agreed” not to sue them for it.

I suppose in the public FG scenario, perhaps bystanders who aren’t participating could “get sick” and blame Blizzard for endorsing the event. Still, Disney’s lawyers are at least as zealous as Blizzard’s, and they’re open for business with no mask requirements.

Didn’t really feel like discussing this kind of topic, like ‘what kind of evil is more evil and stinks more’, but actually, from the top of my head: unlike Disney, FGs could happen in other countries, including those that got at least some actual laws (EU etc), and they (Blizzard) probably wouldn’t wanna bother with any of it. Of course, this is just a theory, I dunno what’s in their heads, nor do I want to — but just a possible reason.

They can geolock them. You have to put in the location of your FG to set it up.

See, you’re thinking of solutions, because you really want something. Those who do not think of excuses instead, :grinning: generally speaking — and it might be the case for some corporate types, comfortable in their chairs, who’d rather twiddle their thumbs and such than bother with some extra effort or work they don’t really need; the usual mental laziness, you know.

If it’s Nemsy you want, I dunno why they coulnd’t just add her to she shop again, as said.

Because that would require them to care, in which case they could just turn FGs back on again.

Adding Nemsy would probably be easier than such a decision, that was my point.

Besides, while the business of others may depend on customers patronising them in person, that’s not the case for HS, so if they wanna play safe when they can also afford it — there’s a certain logic to that. The only controversy adding Nemsy back to the shop would spark, however, would be some backlash from her haters on this forum and such, but, I guess, to them you could always respond, ‘You’d make a cute puppet.’ :grinning: