Finally you open your eyes

So finally I see most of you are now complaining I haven’t played for 3 months & that looks like it was the right choice… hearthstone is dead & unplayable


To quote the earthen ring farseer:

“my eyes are open.”

They have been for a long time with this dev team and company.


the ones complaining are the ones who always complain …always

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I really don’t understand why you lurk on these forums, Boreas. You don’t contribute anything meaningful to the conversation. All you do is blindly defend Blizzard and then leave once someone corrects you or calls you out.


Everyone in this community is toxic.:roll_eyes:

The ones complaining about people posting anything perceived as negative about the state of the game, the devs, or the company, are the ones who always complain…always.

The only difference is the amount of coc violations even so called “final warning” offenses) they make, which of course the mods will ignore.

So you’re complaining about the complainers? And complaining about how the devs don’t listen to the forums?

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So you’re complaining about the complaints about the complainers?

If that goes a level deeper, you’ll need Cobb to get you out of limbo!

Go away please. For the last 5 years people have been yelling HS is dead. It’s bollocks.

Go play a different game if you don’t like this one.


Five years ago there weren’t actiblizz bots because of the mass exodus of players from the game.

Makes one wonder where things will be in five more years.

Im only getting better. I dont know why so many people are complaining so much. Im finally able to climb the Standard ladder, Im at Gold 3 right now. That’s a MASSIVE improvement for me. Im loving it. If you cant enjoy it, go elsewhere to enjoy yourself. IF you must complain, then you enjoy whining and trolling. to an extent every human does that tho, but to continuously engage in the negativity… nah man. Have some fun or find some.


I find fun in having sex…

No how did you come to that conclusion I agree with the complainers I’m happy to see they have opened their eyes and are openly complaining you idiot lol