Finally quitting - talk with your feet

I have played this game since it was released in 2014. I have bought almost every expansion and have a huge card collection that I have accumulated over the years

Today I uninstalled Hearthstone. As I play the game, I am either being destroyed on turn four by Warlocks who win by turn five, or I have BSM Mages smashing wave upon wave of water elementals turn 4-5+. I have Druids who have 10-12 mana by turn 6 who then cheat even more mana with Merin.

This game is in a horrible state. I have never been so frustrated with the game. The devs are completely silent on all of these matters. The only real effort at the Hearthstone team at the moment is how to squeeze every penny from the loyal fan base who haven’t abandoned them, before the ship sinks. So today they lost my loyalty and my custom.

My recommendation to all of you who feel the same - uninstall and vote with your feet. There is no greater method of showing contempt.

Normally I would say “auf wiedersehen,” but since what “auf wiedersehen” actually means is “'till I see you again”, and since I never wish to see you again, to you, sir, I say goodbye!


This particular meta is obscenely fast, mainly because the new mage deck is fast and it’s mainly beaten …by EVEN MORE fast decks; it sounds weird but it’s because it has a “combo” nature to it; the control decks can’t control it because it doesn’t start with flimsy minions (like a paladin) and the fast decks “control” it because its combo is more clunky and they may do their own combinations faster.

I was playing a highlander deck in wild for achievements which was butchered (no reno) and I was winning a little; at some point I started seeing some good wild netdecks but I had a chance even against those sometimes; I tried in standard and it was almost impossible to do anything with a slow non-control deck because everyone and their mom was zooming around with fast decks.


Yeah, and I personally have never enjoyed aggro decks.

The simple fact is this - this game is not enjoyable any more. Why would I choose to play a game like that?


Understandable. All it takes is just one change, one extra piece that’s almost always on the board, and suddenly the game feels unplayable for everyone but the extra piece. I can only imagine how many will quit the Overwatch forums when they bring back 6v6

I quit shortly after the latest set was released, same scenarios you’ve described with equal aggravation. Not just that, the prices for store items are outrageous. $60 for a Ragnaros hero skin, seriously wtf is that?? You can buy a video game for that price.

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Agreed the current team is a complete disappointment. Drastic changes are needed, we need new people onboard which have a different design philosophy.

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Well, you dont have to buy the skin. There is no issue here.

I quit as well after playing near-daily for 10 years. There is something they can do to bring me and millions of others back but they haven’t done it.

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Yea, fire the entire Team 5 , bring people that know what they are doing and not just marketing clowns. They won’t do it though as Blizzard is facing extinction if they do not provide for papa Microsoft. They were good at some point but no corporate has ruined them.