Feels impossible to get to gold ranked

I have 20+ decks that in theory should work, but in practice I’m lucky if I break even. Anyone else? Always the same thing. This deck has been rated legendary, but yeah all I run into is zerg players or the things that this deck is weak against at least every other match. How do you actually climb?

I honestly feel like oftentimes I’m not playing against my opponent, rather I’m playing against my deck not working in this match when last match I won on turn 6 with it. Because this deck is based on 2 minions and last time I got them super buffed to crap and annihilated my opponent and now this match all I can draw are the cards that would work well to buff those 2 minions, but despite having like 6 ways out of 30 to draw said 2 minions I’m down to 12 cards and I haven’t drawn crap.

Game can be so freaking annoying at times.

That’s part of the problem. It is better to choose 1 class and then focus on 1-2 decks. It takes a while to really learn a deck and how to react to the opponent.

Decks that are popular in the legend ranks are often very challenging to play and take a while to learn. It is better to pick a deck that performs well in the silver and gold ranks.


But the problem actually is finding one that I REALLY like enough to play 2-3 matches per day every day of the month for at least that month. I only ever got past gold 9 when secret pally was the deck to play. I loved that mysterious challenger at that point if played with lots of secrets still in the deck kind of spelled game over for your opponent. Maybe in wild now for quite some time there hasn’t been any “guarenteed” insta win decks as there have become like 20 of those ways to win and thus the game is sort of diltued now.

I tried secret pally in twist and you can totally climb with it. I don’t play much more than what’s enough to complete quest and for now I reached plat 4 (with no starting bonus star). So if it can motivate you here’s my homebrew list :slight_smile:


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Depending on your RNG assignment and how you fit into the hearthstone algorythm, you may actually have two opponents, the one on the other side of the game board and Blizzard itself.

Use your brain and stop googling think about it everyone googles the top winning decks makes a few adjustments and heads off. If everyone playing the same 7 decks they have the counters to you. Plat 5 in a day. Stop googling deck build

This is another problem.

You are describing a feast or famine scenario. 50% of the time it works every time.

If climbing is your goal, then playing something more forgiving and more consistent would be a good decision. I’m not sure what your collection or preferences are like, but things like hunter and pure paladin are pretty good for climbing for most players at your rank because they are versatile.