Feelin tilted again on ladder

I was ok for awhile now i feel negative again i was in the right frame of mind then i lost it again.

Why is that whenever i am not at my desired rank i feel abit frustated but when i hit the rank i want i feel relaxed this probably isnt normal is it but ye sorry man i hope this is last time i have to make this topic.


There was a great thread a while back about dopamine hits and this game. Not just this game, but games in general. “All things in moderation” and all that.

There was a video linked I think was called “How Gaming Affects Dopamine Reward Circuitry” that was worth a watch.

Can you please stop spamming the forum with new threads that you then delete and close instantly?

The BattleNet Client has a Chats and Lounges function where you can inform your friends about your current displeasure. You don’t need to clutter the forum.

Hi sorry i dont usualy delete my post but the post nerf meta really has not been for me also im struggling just to get back to my usual but my apologies i was merely saying sorry about my negativity and the delete posts.

dopamine i heard about that one is what we release when we go for a run walk (prettymuch every excersise )

or listen to music ive seen other posters suggesting “dopamine is baaaad” for some reason

It depends on the source of dopamine and the effects it has long term. Getting dopamine from a run/walk is good because exercise is good for your health. Getting dopamine from fast foods is not because it damages your health.

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Whenever I’m sick of Hearthstone, I don’t play. Whenever I’m feeling better about it, I may play. It’s really as simple as that. Or it should be.

I mean, you just did the very thing you are on about.

If I don’t want to engage on a thread or topic, I utilize my browser’s “back” or “close” feature. Unless you’re a mod, you don’t have the right to tell anyone not to post here.

And even then, they can only ban people for ACTUAL violations of coc.

Maybe do a bit of digging on the topic. Especially since you were in that thread, and you can’t claim ignorance (unless you literally didn’t read, watch, or follow up on any of the resources posted there).

It’s a simple way of breaking it down, but more or less. When something requires our brains, it can become problematic. Companies take advantage of this and other psychological tricks to push sales, increase metrics, etc.

Someone posted an insightful video on a different thread, but the usual suspects abused the report system and had it taken down.

Interesting how the mods and the company don’t want people knowing basic facts about marketing and psychology, but will allow harassment, hate speech, and real threats (so called “final warning” offenses) to remain up for years.

I haven’t been my desired rank in a while. When I first started I hit platinum 9 that season. Since, I haven’t got out of gold. I only play ranked now to get the quests then stop because I think the matchmaking is bad.

When I want competitive play I just go play MTG tournaments at my local card shops. At least there I win prizes and usually win enough to qualify for regionals. Hearthstone ranked depresses me more than anything.

I hate the word tilted but maybe I just dont rly understand the feeling.
If I dislike a game (or the current meta) I dont play it at all, or the bare minimum required to not fall behind.

I never get tilted, for example: if I lose 3 games in a row (without winning before), I am like ok this is not my day… then I stop playing.

You know sometimes the rng god is simply against you, or the pocketmeta of the day completely wrecks the deck you wanna play… well then change something or just move on.

To me tilted is a state of mind, when you keep on doing something that dosnt work…
Honestly, how can somebody get stuck in this state?