Feedback for the Hearthstone team

You won me back with catchup packs. Giving me the ability to get back into the game without spending a fortune. Most people won’t play the game or quit the game because of the expense to keep up.

I will not be continuing to play or purchase Hearthstone products after this season because the community is a bunch of cry baby idiots who whine and cry about everything to get you to change cards so these cry babies will finally win without having to use their brains. The problem is they won’t stop crying after one card change. They will just pick another card to cry about. Matter of fact they already have on Reddit. First it was the evil overpowered warlock azerite snake. Now its the reverberations card. Already there are crybaby posts about nerfing dragon druid. These people will cry until you ruin your game with changes.

I’m not going to invest into the game when all its takes is a little whining and your changing everything. I’m going to spend my money elsewhere. Somewhere I know what i’m buying isn’t suddenly going to be changed to something completely different and useless.

Its really too bad because I do love the game. Always have since announcement but its not worth my time or money to play. I’m sure i’m not alone in this. If you want your game to succeed i suggest you fix these things.

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So there you have it HS I shall punish your for nothing you have done in game (and even in fact against the good catch up packs I just praised you for), but rather because I visited a forum site where people can express themselves with opinions I disagree with. Never mind you the fact that it has nothing to do with the game play, nor do they have the ability to whine in game.
I damn you with the thunderous sound of my closing wallet which hasn’t been opened to you in years for you having a platform of open opinion. That about sum it up? I’m sure they will fire someone over the lost revenue.

It is lost on me why anyone feels they are ‘investing’ in this game. Clearly T&Cs define you own nothing and hold no rights to their property. you lease at a rate determined by you expenditure without guaranty of fair play. They own the right to modify as best impacts their revenue and to their benefit. Once we clicked accept we chose we abdicated any right to ‘fair play’

Hearthstone died long ago. Now most of us simply tune in every now and then to beat on its corpse