Faitful companion lol blizz. who is making this game

Draw two king crush to hit you with 16 charge damage 6 turns into the game.
Anyone else agree this game is unplayble?


There are so many absolutely stupid dumb things to despise about how this game works right now that I don’t even know if you can pick one.

Like the fact that you can take a mishmashmosher and make it immune while attacking. What the actual f is that?

Or that a warlock dumped out Thaddius, Mal’Ganis, AND jarraxus on me on his turn six NOT on the coin?!?!? For those counting, that’s a 28 mana board on six mana.

And don’t even start with how awful Whomper is. The person that thought it was good for the game should be perma banned from computers in general.

The bottom line is this: Don’t pay money for a slot machine that doesn’t pay out money.

If they want broken RNG plays to rule, they shouldn’t expect people to pay for it.


Oh, it’s “playable”, but I think it’s gone in a direction a lot of players don’t want. Power creep, manacheat, discover is out of hand, class identity is barely a thing anymore and we’re in a time where commons/rares/epics can be as strong as leggos.

Now, we have Titans coming, and it’s a clear indication the devs don’t want to stop the power creep unless there’s something happening on the backside they’ll announce before the expansion patch. -shrug-

Physically impossible. The “two king krush” is a mana thirst (10) effect. Turn 10 is the earliest. If you coin it out on turn 6 you get, at most, one king krush.

But I guess we’re gonna complain about a turn 10 play hitting you for 16 when decks like Cage Head DK can hit you for 54 on turn 7.

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there are some minor bugs but nope it isnt unplayabe

you know what they mean. Stop being pedantic.

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Madam it happened on turn six. indeed it did because people can figure out work arounds. like infinite spellcasting and drawing cards that never ends and stuff like that. If blizzard had not ended one game I was in because it was an infinite situation where they could not take me out because of my ice block, it would still be going on for weeks. The only reason they finally ended the game after about an hour because I was talking about it on here.

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What do you expect from Game devs who eat paste. Quality? Just walk away from the game. There is so many others out there.

I like to make legit complaints even though I dont take the game seriously. I just play it while trading stocks and crypto to kilt time.
At the same time though it would be nice if the AI worked better instead of giving you automatic losers that you have to forfeit as soon as you get put up against hem. Or like the latest game I was in. Normally I forfeit low card boogies, but I decided to see this one through. By turn 5 with blessed aura, the paladin had his board covered and every card doing 5 damage. lol. Why would the AI even match me up to an auto loss like that? Yes every game is rigged by the AI for winning and losing but lately it does not even let there be any mystery.