Facing same decks over and over

Recently came back to HS after the new expansion after a few years break. And it was fun for a short while, as long as players were still trying out new decks. But recently, it seems that 90% of games I play are either highlander warrior or plague dk.
I do not mind playing these decks every now and then, but their power level are pretty high compared to everything else I play against, and I guess that is why so many people play them (I guess plauge DK also is played as a counter to highlander warrior, which is the main issue).
I am usually not one to whine or complaint, and I was just waiting for the nerfs/buffs to even out the balance of the game. But it essentially made no change to the experience what so ever.
Some solutions I have noticed on forums around the web is nerfing Brann by making the next few battlercries trigger twice, instead of all of them. My suggestion would also be to at least allow deathrattles to trigger after Reno removes minions, seeing as having a full board of DR’s just poofing out of excistense just feels dumb. And just being able to play one minion the next turn after such a huge swing? And the ridicolous OP hero power, all for 9 mana? At least give some negative benefits to this card, like an overload for two turns, remove some mana crystals, or something making it feels more balanced.
My experince is that a lot of players are a hairstrand away from leaving this game permanently because of this, and in the current state HS community is in that is not something I think they will be able to recover from.
So the next balance changes should really be thought trough by developers.
Just my humble opinion, thanks for reading and please let me know if you agree or disagree.

Sorry to say this but the game has changed since you last played both in game design and player mentality.

Even if they nerfed Brann and Plagues the players would just google best deck and you’ll only see that. In this case if they do nerf them I foresee a Hunter meta with Token or Highlander and Probably Priest, Demon Hunter or dragon Druid.

From what I see there is no solution since people either want to win to play against others and are forced into a hard meta or you get the bots in lower MMR (Good for achievement farming BTW) or Win to do the now longer challenges (Daily and Weekly) and I say this from my experience, I used to play different decks but since the challenge change I just go on HSreplay and copy the best.