Facing Legend at Platinum rank?

Hi, I face this guy a few times as I hover in platinum (I play mostly fun/bad decks) and for once I beat him with my bad stupid deck and He messaged me and said GG and asked my rank I told him I’m in Platinum he said oh wow, he’s in Legend rank (and I confirmed it in the friend list)

So my question is, is this normal? Should it be normal? Any idea if they will ever put back in seeing each other’s rank? Is this why they got rid of seeing each other’s rank, because there aren’t enough players at a given time to have a “worthy opponent”?

I’m not opposed to playing Legend players when I am at low rank (obviously anyone can win any time regardless of rank) I just think it’s a bit weird.

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It is normal. Legend players are matched exclusively by MMR, so it only means their MMR was similar to yours. It is quite common for players that mess around in dumpster legend ranks for fun to lower their MMR so much that they end up playing against platinum ranks.

This would be shown to your opponent while in legend rank tho, so they had no need to add you to know what rank you were. Legend players can see each other’s ranks.


I think it’s pretty normal. I face Legend players when I start at Bronze 10 in the middle of the month. I only know they are legend because they friend request when something doesn’t go their way to complain and I can see their rank.

I believe this is why your opponent’s rank has been hidden so that people don’t see it and get angry. If you’re being matched against Legend players, your MMR is either very high or that Legend player has tanked their MMR in low legend.


Matchmaking in Ranked is by rank UNLESS

  1. you have bonus stars at this rank for finishing at a higher rank the previous month, or
  2. EITHER player is Legend.

If it’s not by rank, matchmaking is by MMR.

Because of this basically anyone at any rank can get matched against a Legend player at any time, if that Legend player’s MMR is low enough.

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Idk, he wasn’t playing a fun deck but a tryhard one (I lost to him a few times in past couple weeks, he use same deck always). He was around 1500 legend rank, idk if that is dumpster or not. Idk why he friend me if he could see my rank. He also complimented my deck so maybe that was it? Hobgoblin+Magic Carpet Odd DH. I was finally able to outspeed/outdamage/outtempo his hunter deck

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Well, I said “if their MMR is low enough” but it’s a little more complicated. The way it worked until just recently was that the Legend player’s time in queue would set an acceptable MMR range, starting kinda narrow and increasing over time as that player remained in queue. After enough time in queue, the algorithm would give up, summon a Blizzard-controlled bot opponent, and match the player with the bot.

Blizzard just announced that they removed the BlizzBots. So I guess even a kinda high MMR Legend player could be queued against a Platinum player, if all the Legend players mysteriously ghosted and the closest available MMR was the Platinum player. One consequence we should expect of the recent bot removal is a sudden sharp uptick in matchmaking players of significant rank differences. They probably also adjusted how quickly the acceptable MMR range broadens so that players aren’t stuck in queue too long.

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If you can face Legend players on Platinum… then that is a huge problem of the system I think… I was Legend only once and only with a brianless aggro deck… but got D4 only as the lowest rank player against at that time… Never believed a Legend can get Platinum as well for opponent… that is really bad in my opinion… and now I am much more proud for all of my D5-D1 I reached so far with my own decks.

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Obviously it’s because the purchased Runestones and reverse activated the rigging AI.

Thats because when you star bonus you are matche by mmr :slight_smile:

The ranks does not equate directly to skill now. It’s more like what you’ve achieved this season. The matches are maded using hidden calculations.

Not really. You still need to be close to the other player in either rank or MMR, or the queues need to be lacking players. MMR is probably a better indicator of opponent worthiness than rank anyway.

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I’ve been reaching consecutively legend 2 months in a row. That’s been a while since I last hit legend (kinda when I was playing undertaker hunter when Naxx got released).

Never faced a single legend player.
I’m kinda clueless why. And this month, I hit legend really early. I just played handbuffed paladin and insta hit legend in a couple of hours / days.

I already had the Legend card back… The reward chest is slightly better than the Diamond one… But still, I’d love to play against legend players. Even if, I know that the rank doesn’t really reflect the player’ skill.

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supposedly the matchmaking works on MMR, meaning your MMR is so low that no legend player will be matched to you despite the same rank.
then again, i wouldnt trust a thing blizz says about their matchmaking, so take it as you will

I wonder if they will ever be able to have the technology to be able to see each other’s rank?

Replying on this for others to be redirected, it’s changed on the patch notes of 17 jan 2024: it’s ALWAYS by MMR now.

You can friend your opponents after you play with them and see some huge gaps in ranking.

Before legend, friend them. After legend it shows.

Early in the month it’s more likely people with their MMR are still climbing.

Rank means nothing in matching anymore. You play the same people all month long regardless of where they finish in rankings.

Dang, I guess they simply don’t have the technology to show ranks

They used to show ranks…they probably don’t now as to not discourage the lower ranks during MMR?

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Do you really have to be told they do it on purpose?