Facing Legend at Platinum rank?

Oh, they did? That makes sense, as it is called ranked mode, and every game I’ve played with a ranked mode showed the ranks. I figured maybe it’s like they can’t get good enough matchmaking anymore because not enough players for hearthstone or something? Maybe they don’t want to admit or show a chicken rank player they are facing a legend player or something? Now it makes sense why they got rid of it

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Lowest rank I played against last season (I was in dumpster Legend) was Gold 8, since legend bracket can see the rank of your opponent.

All this says is that bottom of Legend means nothing. Anyone that has a minimally functioning brain and the time to grind could make it there.

No one is talking about legend and how easy or difficult it is to make legend. This is about ranks not being shown and the reasons behind why that is.

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You won too many games now blizzard wants to spank you for winning to much. I call this bs. Mmr is stupid all games should be agaibst random players conpletely if you ask me.

Im a older guy and watching the introductions of mmr based systems in online shooters really took a huge part of the fun out of shooters for me.

Thats not how real life is. Some days you roll up to the park its good basketbal players and the next mid or even bad.

But anyways on to your question. Yes i agree everyone should be able to see the rank of who they are playing against at all times.

I belive blizzard did this so they dont have us screaming on the forums 24/7.

Iv been legend 82 playing agaist low players just out of silver in wild. Its not common but its not uncommon either but it happens more than you think still.

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People won’t be happen unless the game is easy mode 100% win rates because any other way Blizzard is up to something and rigging the game to make people lose because nobody can ever lose for any other reason.

Again, you might be in the wrong thread? What you’ve been writing is completely irrelevant to the topic.

A player can make legend with less than 50% win rate if they played enough games and hit a long enough win streak to break the Diamond barrier but a Casual Player could be stuck in platinum despite having a super high win rate because they just don’t play that many games. Chances are this bad Legend player that has too much time on their hand to play 1000s of games a month with have a similar MMR to this Casual Platinum Player that plays maybe 20 games a month. That’s the point. Rank is not the end all be all for skill level and a worse player that plays way more Hearthstone can have a better rank than a better Casual Player.

MMR does not always mean skill or at least not potential skill. Some players lose a lot relatively carelessly. They have the ability to lose less but overplay at a loss “streak”.

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I agree with this, there are times I will concede concede concede just because I’m going against a certain class or matchup, it means nothing about my deckbuilding knowledge and skill and ability to make good decisions and win and everything else, all it means is that I flex my first amendment right to protest

How can someone who claims to have been playing for all 10 years not know this?

Maybe they are trying to make a point?