FACEstone is more like it

haven’t been super active after the horrid last exp. now coming and slowly climbing to rank 4. what have I noticed? this game has gone brain dead again. every damn deck is either a highlander pray zephrys give me an answer or let me hit you in the face till you die quest deck. and it’s funny that the masses are defending this exp. it just goes to show that the majority just wants dumb rng I win games.


You aren’t wrong. More of my friends have made it to legend for the first time this time than ever. RNG is a huge factor in this game now and people are digging it. Everyone can be winner now, the game didn’t require too much brains, and all you’ve got to do now is pull the lever.

Will you pull it?

This is how this cycle of hearthstone works very quest centric. I’m hoping the next expansion will be a follow up of frozen throne-like hero cards because that was a set I wish I had more gold to spend on. It pretty well was the same when un’goro passed around with the quest decks. But what you really need to look at is how likely each quest is to stick around. I think they are bound to be fine tuning them as soon as the next expansion comes out because of how closely they watched the rogue quest.

I think only the paladin quest will get nerfed but only because its whole core comes from the reborn cards which are going to all stay when the 2020 cycle takes place. I haven’t looked at the sets enough to really say that I can confidently state that but I imagine the quest decks to be prominent right up until 2020 april but maybe some to take minor adjustments as of next expansion which is 2-3 months away still.

It’s tough, but as a longtime player (since beta and play every expansion, never stopped playing completely yet…) the game is basically dead. To put any money into it is folly. Just enjoy whatever couple decks you can make each expansion, do your dailies every few days, maybe some arena, and that’s that. Anything more would be foolish, at least according to me.

No matter what the current meta is, people will complain on the forums. When it was control-heavy, people complained. When it was OTK-heavy, people complained. What meta state will it take to make people happy? I’m genuinely curious.

I try to be competent with at least one agro, midrange, and control deck every expansion so I can adapt to meta. I’m really enjoying shaman right now. I feel like the cards that they have been given the last two expansions have made them incredibly versatile. I can go agro with murloc. I can run overload with Vessina, or I can go big shaman control.

Midrange heavy. Like WotOG.

Oh and no Hunters because Fork Hunters.

Midrange metas are good. I can’t argue with that. I like hunter personally. I mained a hunter back when I played WoW. I played hunter back in vanilla when everyone thought we were useless. I love those type of classes. I play ranger on Guild Wars 2 and I usually rolled a ranger in tabletop D&D. I think the hunter HP needs to redesigned to allow for more deck options. Midrange Hunter was my favorite deck when I first started. I agree hunter has been powerful for awhile and people are tired of seeing them. There’s always one class that’s stronger than the others. Hunter has remained on top for longer than I expected. Like I stated earlier, it doesn’t matter which class is on top, people will complain. That’s a fact of life in CCGs. You can’t make everyone happy. I think the current meta has a lot of representation from all of the classes, which I think is a good thing.

Why would you spend any time on a dead game?

What do you mean? Most games are dead within weeks after they release. Yet people still play them, right?

took you some time to answer xd

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