Expansion interactions. Attn: Developers, CS

I appreciate the dev’s work, and you have all created a great game. I know your hands are full countering the draw selection exploit, and thank you for it.

I would like to draw your attention to some of the card interactions over the course of the recent expansions.
I fought a warrior who had at least 8 TNTs in his deck. That is 3 lost cards per for a total of 24 lost cards. Our decks hold 30, standard.
Another warrior had stacked “hand/deck” buffs to the point that he was placing 24/32 cards consistently from turn 7 until I lost four turns later.

I could build one of these decks, but I prefer to play Mage, Paladin, Priest, Shaman. More than that, I wouldn’t really be playing, because I would be parroting someone else’s game. I have all the necessary cards, but there is no competing whatsoever with a player who has 24/32 4-7 cost cards for the rest of the game.

Again, I know you have your hands more than full, but perhaps you could hire some employees to play the game full time to give you realtime input into the state of the game? No dev team can bulletproof any game from thousands of players finding the cracks in the design, and tracking all the interactions between cards is monumental to say the least. The forums are a terrible input because of the trolls, and how much could a few employed players cost, provided they had no class or other bias?

I hope this does not come off as a rant, and I hope you recognize my input as respectful and constructive.
This may be the solution to the “five decks to rule them all” phenomenon that crops up.


  • Brim.
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