Excavate is what, EXACTLY?

This Keyword isn’t "Deceptively Simple". It’s complicated. It’s simply complicated.

You say: Dig for increasingly rarer treasures. Resets after the highest Rarity.

“Dig” could mean Discover, Draw, Dredge, Generate, etc.
“treasures” could mean anything pretty much because it could mean a Card Pool of 5 random cards, a specific upgrading card, all the cards in the game, all the cards in your collection, all the cards in your deck, minion cards, spell cards, location cards, special custom “relic” cards, WHO KNOWS?

Screw this.


They posted the excavate pool and listed the treasures in each tier. It’s exactly what it says it is. It’s not complicated at all.


Dig = get. So it’s added at random to your hand. From a pool of cards.

It’s… pretty intuitive. It’s really not that different than the lackey mechanic.

He has a point.
That keyword could mean many things.

Still there isn’t anything much better because the word treasure is already in use.


The treasures are listed in a chart plain as day. There are five in each rarity tier, and all 3 rarity tiers are shown. The classes with a special 4th tier can only get their class specific on the last dig, which is what we saw in azurite rat for DH. It’s as straightforward as can be.


And now to play hearthstone someone has to Go get a chart somewhere?

This isn’t the point see?


Why does this sound complicated if it’s “plain as day” and “as straightforward as can be”?

What classes have a special 4th tier? Is that even defined??

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All the info is in expansion announcement.

Didn’t ask.

Not the fresh pick-up game, is it?

And this is why they think people are confused by more deck slots…

Excavates seems straightforward. First dig you get a random tier 1. 2nd dig random tier 2. 3rd dig random tier 3. 4th either you get 4th tier if your class has one or it resets back to tier 1 and then the pattern repeats. What’s so complicated about that? It’s not that much complicated than spare parts. Instead of just the 1 tier of spare parts you have 4 tiers of excavated treasures. The only thing complicating this is people over thinking and making it out to be more complicated than it is.

Kazakusan, ignis, hell… even xyrella’s purified shard are generated cards that the in game text doesn’t say exactly what they do right out the gate. This is an online game. It should be expected people can look up stuff for simple mechanics. How many people had to ask what a purified shard was despite the win the game text not being mentioned at stage 1.


It is, but deny deny deny.

Right, cause outsourcing from the game to have fun is important, much less understand the game.

This is just ridiculously misleading.

uh you are literally asking about it

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But you atleast have the exact card name. Also nowadays we get show the generated cards in the collection exactly because of cards like this.

In other words there was a QOL update because even those where already unclear.

I not saying it’s a incredible complex and dificult mechanic to understand.

But if you need to explain that there are pools for each time you use during the match and special cards for some classes we probably not being clear either.

Being unclear and being dificult to understand are two different things.

They wanted to have small card text and cut a little too much. It’s all i saying.

The entire three tier of cards thing + class exclusive is a little too much to resume in one world.

All you have to do is watch a video. You’ve already seen the spoilers. It’s a keyword, not a college course.

Everyone going to play hearthstone gonna “watch a vídeo”.

It has to be clear on the card period. Nothing more nothing less.


This is a dumb response. You can literally go into the card collection and it will tell you what cards can be generated or just playing with the cards. This is like every MTG card with a keyword needing an explanation text with it. Do they? No because when you actually play with the cards or use any of the MANY free resources you come to understand.

You don’t need your hand held this hard. You’re not 4 years old.

There’s 7 spare parts that you had to be aware of in GvG way back and that wasn’t complicated.
This is only slightly more advanced with tiers 1-3 having 5 treasures each and 5 classes having a special tier 4. It cycles in order from tier 1-4 and resets back to 1 after you hit the highest tier. 2 of the treasures in each tier are basically the same card upgrading each tier. IE discover a 2 at tier 1> discover 3 at tier 2 > discover a 5 at tier 3 and deal 3 > deal 3 to a minion and the hero> deal 3 to all enemies. It’s not that much more to remember for people that are experience with TCG’s. What’s so complicated about this?

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Honestly, I don’t understand what issue some are having with this here. The keyword is pretty simple and is explained well enough by the text itself.

When you play it, you get a random treasure, and a better one each time after that. Simple enough, no?

Now, what is a treasure? For a casual player that doesn’t care too much, it just means ‘something nice’. A casual player will just play the card, get another card and play it. It works exactly the same way as Scrap Parts, Concoctions, Sparkbots, Ignis, Kazakus… you name it. Ultimately, they’ll know what all of the treasures are just from playing the cards and they probably will have fun in the process of finding out.

A more tryhard player will obviously want to go and look up what the pool of treasure is, so they know exactly what card they might get each time they excavate. For those players, the keyword is equally easy to understand, they just go the extra mile to have all the information.

If the devs had to worry that every idea they come up with fits in a box with 3 lines of text, they wouldn’t be able to come up with a lot of fun stuff. This whole discussion seems a bit petty to me.


When you purchase a Yu Gi Oh starter or structure deck, you get a rule book with it that explains the rules, mechanics and key words. These rule books are constantly updated as new mechanics and card types are introduced. For example, back in 2008 they released Synchro monsters and Tuner monsters. The cards had nothing more on their text to explain how they worked bar the word “Synchro” or “Tuner” and something like “1 tuner monster + 1 or more non-tuner monsters.” How the mechanic actually worked was explained in the rule book, not on the cards themselves. Hearthstone is no different except that the rule book exists online rather than being a physical book.

Tl;dr if you want to know the mechanics of any game, go read the rule book.

That said, I support the rule book being accessible in the client as a QoL improvement.