Excavate is what, EXACTLY?

No no no this is asking for too much. Hearthstone players want free packs, free skins, and to be spoon fed a card effect.

I honestly can’t imagine some of the people on this forum having real jobs and functioning in society. I’m convinced some of these people legitimately are 30+ year old NEETs with how much they need babied.

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That’s funny :smile:

“You are doing what I say you’re doing, not what you say you’re doing.” :smiley: heh

To put it straight for you, I asked…
Excavate is what, exactly?
I didN’T ask…
“Can you link me All the information that is in the new expansion announcement?”

I’m sure you know. :slightly_smiling_face:

Fun is a 3 letter word.

Bold of you to assume I keep up with Hearthstone media.

Thank you so much for this.

This is a lie. “Do they? Yes.” Saying “You don’t need your hand held this hard. You’re not 4 years old” is such a pick-off at me and many other players who stand for the simplicity of this game to shine through for all – so basically, it’s a pick off against Hearhstone players, of which you are, that stand up for the vast majority.

It’s not so complicated. :slightly_smiling_face:

The Rulebook doesn’t come with the game? :frowning_with_open_mouth: This is bad.

I disagree with you and agree with them by saying this is not asking for too much.

It does and it doesn’t. If one has access to the game, presumably one also has access to a browser and an internet connection and therefore has access to the information that is freely available online. As I said, I would support a concise user guide being implemented directly into the client (or a link to such within the client) as I think it would improve the experience.

Irrespective of this, let’s not forget that the mechanic doesn’t exist in the game yet so there isn’t really any urgency to know exactly how it works. Those that care to know in advance of the set release will look at the information on the website (or already have), those that don’t, won’t. Once the keyword is in game I imagine there will be a tooltip in the collection/in game that explains the mechanic.


I’ve accumulated almost 5K gold since completing my reward track AND spending gold on cards since Titans release chasing signatures. If I had just gone to collection completion without chasing signatures, I’d have more. Plus the free packs, skins, and additional gold along the way, we already get plenty of free stuff. You’re being greedy here.

You are literally asking for your hand to be held because you can’t be bothered to pay attention. There’s almost no way you could have seen the excavate keyword without also seeing how it works because the spoiler is in the same online material as the explanation for how it works.

There’s no way you’re a functioning adult because no company would keep someone as incompetent as you as a part of their workforce. If you worked at a bank I wouldn’t trust you to handle anything, let alone any other job handling anything even remotely sensitive.

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I disagree. I say it is not too much to ask for an explanation of the rules with the game. Sorry if that offends you from what I’m used to being having an explanation of the rules with the game.

  • I really wouldn’t say the sin of “greed” applies to me at all, especially not for insisting that a game come ready to help people play it.

Tomato – tomahtoe

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Too much random stupidity.

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Something that is not on the chart is the probability of each option. Are all options equally possible? Do rare or epic options appear less?


The tier 1 treasures are all common. These will appear with the first excavation. The tier 2 treasures are all rare. These will appear with the second excavation. The tier 3 treasures are all epic. These will appear with the third excavation. After three, some classes have a tier 4 legendary on their fourth excavation, others do not. Once you’ve run through all the tiers, the cycle restarts and the next treasure is tier 1 (common).


That’s actually a good point. They don’t actually SAY that all 5 treasures from the current rarity “get” or “dig” will each have an equal 20% chance of being ‘found’ or “dug up”.

They might have rigged it to be different, even though the assumption is equal chance, it’s not implied, but the assumption that cards tell the truth, is almost always implied, EXCEPT in the case of Freezing Trap saying to return the minion to the “owner’s” hand when it actually returns the minion to the “controller’s” hand.

Right. If they’re that worried about being confused.

They could also just, you know, play the game and find out. Like we used to before there were guides and walkthroughs for everything.