Example of inability to design a card game

duels, homu deck with one shot final combo that completely eliminates life, here is an example of TOTAL incompetence in terms of game design. Fortunately, I then read that hearthstone is in such a deep crisis that it will suppress entire game modes in the coming months, those who sow poorly reap worse… I assume that those who have spent money on hearthstone over the years will be happy after the end is declared, a mode of game at a time…

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Why!? Why has the Brode forsaken us!?

please fix paladin in hearthstone: The “lifesteal” proc is not working while active with certain characters. Specifically “deuptization aura” and “jitterbug” my “jitterbug” was buffed with “hand of a’dal”

I had a hunter rush one of my minions during his turn, while the buff and minion was active and it did not proc. Specifically hit me with “theldurin the lost”

this is one specific case, it has happened before with other combinations but i did not document it.

question: does the proc not count for me if the minion attacking is immune?

When’s your game coming out?

Got several friends working on one. Going to suggest a card designed based off you. Dunno either to name it Shill or Brown-Noser. Just know that it’s going to be completely useless to any deck it’s put in. :grin::laughing:


Ben brode was a loser, he’s the one who started putting rng in the game (you even have a video where he says that rng is fun), he’s also the one who started putting powercreep in each extension. He just left the company before the game was unplayable and the players considered it rubbish except for me it’s rubbish.