Evolve shaman nerf was a joke

Before the nerfs = 2 of each 3 games are against Evolve Shaman.

After the nerfs = Not a single shaman in 5 games.

Works for me.

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I mean, 1 minion less in the deck is not gonna stop this retarded mechanic. The weapon returning over and over again is more of an issue. The mogu, the giants, the 1/1s…


It’s 2 less minions, and they are FREE to add to ANY board as free 5 drops. That’s cheaper sea giants, mogu, and earlier evolve turns. Most shaman opponents expect the sticky fingers, so the knuckles on 3 into dread to try to break the weapon before it can be stolen and develope a free 5 drop on turn 3.

In what world is that not a huge deal?

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You’d think by some of these reactions that evolve shaman had a 80 percent win rate here (it’s around the low 50s most of the time). It’s a lucky deck. You win by chance really. If they don’t get their weapon within the first 5 or 6 turns…you win.

Also note many of evolve shamans cards are being rotated out soon. Mogu…and hare.


Hardly a small nerf if you consider the applications. Corsair for one will cost 1 with the weapon instead of 0. That’s huge.

Lioe I had said in another post. Evolve shaman doesn’t need to be nerfed into the ground making it unplayable. It needed to be balanced.


I disagree.

Evolve is fundamentally unfun as a mechanic. Bringing the deck from something oppressive to just a regular strong t1/t2 deck doesn’t change the fact that cheating out giant boards is uninteractive since it brings the game to an abrupt end if the opponent doesn’t have an immediate answer.

The game would have been healthier if evolve shaman had stopped to exist as a viable archetype.


It was a god Nerf.

The point wasn’t to Nerf the aechitype into Oblivion it was to make it more balanced which it does… No more corsair coming down on the same turn as Bogspine…

Evolve Shaman still needs to be playable but just not broken.

Edwin was a good Nerf too… Still strong but no more turn 1 or 2 10/10 Edwin’s


with the right hand, it can still happen:
fox + 2x shadowstep = 0 mana 8/8 edwin. If you start 2nd you also have the coin.

It will be more rare, but still possible

You can also on turn 2, prep - swindle -foxy - shadow - foxy - coin - Edwin for 14/14

Rare but can be done.

I’ve found Im still getting 10/10 Edwin’s out later and they are still strong. 100 win rate tonight with the same miracle deck.


anyone else remember how the same people who think the shaman nerf isnt enough also said DH would still be the strongest class in the game after the last nerfs?


The Shaman nerf is significant for a variety of reasons. The people still complaining about them consistently will likely be people running slower decks who lost to Shaman’s ability to continuously repopulate, not the early blowouts.


Inb4 literal nothing happens besides a -1% winrate.

Those people don’t know it yet, but they will be facing more Wrenchcaliburs and Doomhammers and still crying because their greedy decks are terrible.


Yeah, they are doing this very thing. The nerf only knocked 2 points off so they can still spit out a 8/8 that doesn’t seem to break their momentum at all. How many classes have an answer at turn 2 for an 8/8 and whatever junk they used to make it.

I find it funny when people call control decks greedy when the greed is the aggro player stuffing his deck very cheaply i may add.

That to me is greed. Not the player who spends time making control decks that take some kind of thought to play past turn 3.

You guys have the greed part backwards. It should apply to cheap greedy broken aggro decks.

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And I find it funnier still when people put words into my mouth.

Do you see the word Control anywhere in my post?

And what’s Control anyway? The deck referred to by VS as Control Warlock hard loses to Zoo Warlock, Aggro Rogue, Aggro DH, and Face Hunter. That’s what I refer to as a greedy deck, which coincidentally is given the Control moniker.

There was no putting of words in your mouth, you infact said greed which refers to control decks.

Would you like to split more hairs on what you did and didn’t say? We both know what greed refers to in decks.

These are seemingly insignifigant nerfs, but are stronger than at first glance. Control decks just got stronger across the board, by slowing down the early edwin and bogspine/corsair combo. As someone who detests being forced to play agro, these are the right changes. Incremental changes and not gutting a deck is the right way to go.

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Greed doesn’t necessarily mean Control.

Greed refers to a subset of Control that adds substantial late game at the expense of early game. This usually means a deck like Control Warlock, that basically destroys slower decks like Control Warrior, HL Mage, and HL Priest but gets run down by Aggro because it can’t do anything to getting punched in the face early on.


So splitting hairs it is.

/eye roll.

If you use that term here on these forums 99% of people are going to come back and say the same thing.