Everyone uses the same cards and it's pathetic

This is my first expansion ever in Hearthstone and as time goes on it doesn’t matter who I am playing, they ALL use the same cards. Turn 4 and they summon an 8/8 with taunt and lifesteal. I don’t even bother with playing against a warrior because they will win by turn 3. I am strong until I hit gold 7, and then I can not win unless some miracle happens where they draw nothing or just don’t know how to use their deck well.

The state of the game is HORRIBLE… they nerfed paladin on week 1 and they are keeping DH and hunter like this for weeks… and they all use the same crap, Reno bullsh1t, wheel lock…


It is hard to have fun when you can’t even get started. I am mostly enjoying the game until I get nothing but this sort of player over and over. It’s boring. I thought the point of having different classes was to use different cards. I love building decks themed around my hero character. It makes it way more interesting.

Don’t let that deter you from building fun decks. I like to experiment too and that’s what I focus on.


I will still make fun decks. I do actually like this game overall. Wish I had started playing sooner.


In Ranked the goal is to win, so why would those looking to win play something less likely to win?

You don’t get end of season rewards for giving the opponent wins.

this must be a new deck i havent seen yet most warrior decks ive played agaisnt are waaaaay slower

This is to be expected. I understand that solving the puzzle that is the meta at your own speed is more fun than just looking up the answer online and copying it. But this doesn’t change the fact that the puzzle that is the meta has a solution, that the weaponized obsession of the internet will solve it faster than any single person could alone, and that the answer will exist out there for someone to copy if they choose to. If you want to play fun decks, I recommend making some friends, adding them to your friends list, and coming to an understanding about what is fair and what isn’t when you play against each other. But if you queue up into Ranked of course people will be going for efficiency over fun and tryharding their climb. It’s ridiculous to think that they wouldn’t, and outside of deleting the Internet nothing will ever change that.

Agree, That’s why i only use meta deck. The game punishes losing, so most people (or at least me) dont want to risk losing except at floor ranks. So I dont experiment, play “fun” decks, or do anything except use the most powerful netdeck that i can build. I suspect thats why most players I meet also use netdecks. Unless Blizz shake things up, this is a fact of the game that will never change.

Chess, Go and every other popular game had strategy and tutorial books centuries before the internet was a thing. The only thing changed by the introduction of the internet is the speed at which information spreads.

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Yeah, but that’s my point. A whole lot of Gen Xers in here reminiscing about “when games were good” but it’s not that the games were that good, it’s that the players were ignorant. Because they didn’t have someone on the Internet showing them how it was broken, it wasn’t clear how easy it was to beat.

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