Every player is a bot

Wild is unplayable because every player is a bot. The tells are the username is a random string of letters and the deck is all the same.

How is this not the only thing discussed in these forums? The game is completely unplayable in wild.

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We do discuss they just take it down and flag it as “conspiracy”

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Because there’s two types of players:

  1. ones who can easily beat bots and move out of the ranks infested with them, and
  2. ones who can’t, so they complain about it in threads like these.

Since 2) are in the minority, there’s not too many such threads, thankfully.

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No there are three.

3: players like myself who refuse to have their time constantly wasted by bots.

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Typical “blame the player” behavior.

The fact that there are bots is the problem, not whether you can beat them or not. Having to waste hours just to outrank them is retarded.