Ever thought about this? (Not serious post)

So as a WoW and HS fanatic, ive been thinking about this one for a while. Why does the demon army call itself the Burning Legion while the technical term for a legion is a division of 3000-6000 troops. Now i haven’t done a headcount but…i think there are more demons in the Burning Legion.

You’d almost think Sargeras just sucked at maths and none of his luitenants dare tell him his mistake.

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Actually Velen told Sargeras this, which is why Sargeras kicked Velen and the remaining Draenei out with the departing words “it’s an homage to the Marvel character!”


How do you know? Canonically demons just respawn when they are killed. How do you know that demon that just spawned in the room wasn’t killed in another location?

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“Okay guys! Let’s attack in waves of 6000 with fifteen minute breaks to regroup after respawn.”
“Screw this! Let’s recruit Orcs instead.”

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Well i mean, the orcs were part of the Burning Legion for a while too right? Pretty sure its canon that there were over 5500 orcs in the march on Lordaeron & Stormwind and the other 500 is just the different demon officer names on itself. Varimathras, Killrog, Mal’Ganis (“I AM A TURTLEEE”), Gul’dan, the list goes on. But it would be hella funny if the legion is actually small af but they got a couple rezzers in the back sweating their absolute buttocks off getting all them back on the field so fast it looks like they’re much more.

The Burning Legion and the Orcs marched on thru the Dark Portal and onwards towards Lorderon.

They were not prepared.

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My name is Legion, for we are many.

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Dummy 1: How much men is legion?
Dummy 2: Uuuuuh…many men!
Dummy 1: Yes yes, many!

Next battle:
Enemy: Who are you?
We Legion. For we Many

Because it’s a technicality.

And nobody cares about technicalities.

THere’s this assumption that legion has the same meaning in both places, and I don’t think that’s true.

Apparently, in their world legion means unending stream of demons.