Ever see a forumer im BGs?

You ever see that Netflix movie Glass Onion?

Probably looked a whole lot like when they held a Winter HCT event for Hearthstone in the Bahamas. There are some wild stories from that event since the alcohol flowed freely.

We are all rich idiots?


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Nah, just Dallaen is a rich. He owns the island after all. Everyone else is poor but trying to hide it.

Note that I didn’t address the “idiot” part at all.

I suddenly remember Stephen from Braveheart.

“It’s MY island!”

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I didn’t post enough recently and dropped down a level. I was 100% going to post that meme though. Good catch.

Your forum MMR reset?

No idea. My trust level dropped down to 2 instead of 3 where had been for a while. I did lose my privilege to post for a day because i compared blizzard to something they didn’t like i guess. Maybe that did it but i don’t think so.

We have trust levels?

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Yeah you need trust level 3 to freely post pictures and links.

Yeah that’s why some people can post gifs and others can’t. I was trust level 3 for a few days. Lol their mistake


How do you know your level?

I have posted since original forums and didn’t know this

If you reach gif level you’ll get a weird button in the posting interface that has something to do with a wiki

Not that I’m going to use trust level power to do anything productive like make a wiki

Well, I am probably just always whatever is lowest. I am usually banned

Yeah eventually I got a post removed, not even a time out aaaaaaand it was gone

Go into your profile page, remove anything after your name and then add “.json” to the end of your name-realm like this:

It’ll bring you to a page that looks like a bunch of gibberish. Do a ctrl+f or do a find and search that page for “trust_level” and the one with the highest number is your current trust level. There will be multiple “trust_level” results with different numbers as it includes each level you have obtained, so the highest numbered one is your current level.


I am so drunk this is blurry. Lol !

Thanks though.

Here we go

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Now THAT is knowledge

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Yes, they came up with them years ago to control the flow of information and to make the forums grindy.

To the point of controlling how many likes you can give out in a day.

I was going to go searching for the instructions, but dal came in clutch!

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I’ll make it easy for you. You aren’t even at trust level 1 yet. There’s a whole bunch of criteria.

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